im having some sound problems in xp .. when i do some fairly routine tasks (like opening the right click menu in windows explorer) my sound playback from winamp (and probably other things, but i havent had anything else playing sound when it happens) stops for a half second or so.. i also get pops and clicks sometimes .. and im sure theyre not from the mp3 itself.. ive got the latest bios, via 4in1s, detonator, and sb drivers. windowsupdates, etc.. ive also tried changing the sounds in winamp a lot.. the boards an abit kt7a.. the live is on its own irq and isnt sharing with anything.. detailed specs here ..ive tried changing winamps settings and such but it doesnt help .. i dont have anything else running and using up the cpu or anything .. usually just an ie or two, mirc, icq, msn and winamp .. this is really annoying so id appreciate any help ..