Someone posted a link to an article that proposed why people jumped rather than face fire...(bah, found it)


Mar 3, 2000
Could someone try finding it? I tried searching for jump and either didn't find it or didn't see it. I tried animal response, but nothing came up. That was kind of the key point in the article. I can't remember what site it was on either. I'm thinking MSNBC, so I'm going to check that. If it's not there, maybe by the time I'm done, someone will have pointed me to the thread. :)

edit: it was at nbc. if someone is interested, here's the link.


Sep 7, 2001
I think it needs to be read, I've heard some people question why those people would leap to their death.

Generally, there are two reasons. One, they get to chose their own death, and they KNEW they were going to die, anyway. I suppose it depends on what people feel would be a 'better' way to go, die of smoke inhalation and fire, or jump. The other reason is they are being overwhelmed by the heat and smoke, which causes disorientation, panic, etc. Anyone who has suffered from smoke inhalation knows the feeling, anyone who hasn't will never know the feeling.


Dec 12, 2000
Dude, I read in TIME that some of these people near the top floors were SUCKED OUT because of depressurization (similar to the effect of a hole in an airplane at high altitude.) Basically, when they were standing close to their windows when the planes hit, and when the windows shattered they were sucked out. Must've been horrifying...


Mar 3, 2000

<< PLEASE don't post this crap. Show some goddamn humanity. >>

I hardly think it's crap. It's not like the article is celebrating death or has multiple grisly images.

It sucks. About a week ago when they first talked about why people jumped, I was going to use that for my hypothesis for my psyc paper. Now, I can't. That article was more in depth then I remembered.


May 27, 2001

<< Years ago, Frederick says, a colleague of his set up an experiment where he subjected laboratory animals to excruciating pain. They could go into another chamber to escape the pain, but if they did they would get their heads chopped off. Other lab animals were allowed to observe this, so they knew what would happen. They, too, were placed in the pain chamber. They leaped out of it, into the killing one. >>



Mar 3, 2000
That last part was a bit much. I didn't know you were even allowed to do that.

Care and Use of Animal Subjects

When research is conducted using animals as subjects, the psychologist is obligated to treat them humanely. Ethical treatment of animals involves the following:

5. The psychologists must make reasonable efforts to minimize the discomfort, infection, illness, and pain of animal subjects.
6. Procedures that subject animals to pain, stress, or privation, should be used only when alternative methods are not available and only when the goal of the research is justified by its potential scientific, educational, or applied value.
8. When an animal's life must be terminated, it must be done rapidly, with an effort to minimize pain, and in accordance with accepted methods.

Personally, I don't believe the experiment happened. Or if it did, it happened a long time ago. If I think about it while I'm at the library, I'll see if I can find anything about it on PsycLit or something.