Some People Need To Learn Things The Hard Way

Iron Woode

Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 10, 1999
This happened back in 2000 and still makes me laugh.

I was living with my dad in our family home in the suburbs and our longtime neighbour was slowly going senile. She was a widow and I believe he kept her behaviour under control. Since he died she had gotten a little odd.

In the winter here we all fed the birds due to the harsh weather and they helped to brighten the dreary winter days. Normally that is no big deal as everyone did it. Well, she decided she wanted to feed the birds all year long.

I told her that was a bad idea as the birds need to find their own food after winter. She still insisted. I told her feeding them will cause issues for us and her. She said I was wrong and didn't know what I was talking about. I told her OK and said just you watch.

Well, by mid June the birds were making an awful mess around the feeder and now we had all sorts of weeds growing everywhere. The thistles were the worst as now I couldn't even walk barefoot in my own back yard. This pissed me off as it made for extra yard work while I was doing my regular 6 days a week job. I complained and it fell on deaf ears. By July things really heated up, hehehe.

First, the birds mess had caused issues with her in ground pool and weeds everywhere. Then came the mice. We lived in a rather rural part of the north-end of the city with lots of fields, streams, ponds and trees. The mice brought in the snakes (garter snakes). She hated mice and snakes and, like I warned her, they got into her house. I LOL'd so hard when she bitched about it. It got worse for her when her garden shed was taken over by chipmunks. Dozens and dozens of chipmunks. Her son came over and he was shocked and pissed off at her for letting this happen. I told him that I warned her what would happen and she wouldn't listen to me. It cost her hundreds of dollars for an exterminator to remove them. The bird feeder never went up again.

I guess the phrase fuck around and find out applies here.

TLDR: neighbour woman gets stupid and pays the stupid tax.

This is just one of several stories of her not thinking things through.
Feb 25, 2011
everybody learns stuff the hard way once in a while.

Sounds like your neighbor made a habit of it because she wasn’t able to anticipate the consequences of her actions.

Iron Woode

Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 10, 1999
Did the op just wake up from a coma? Why did it take 20 years to post this?
sometimes when you are old like some of us posters, you remember interesting things from back in the day.

I felt like sharing one of her many shenanigans.