Some crazy ass dude allows bloodworms to bite him. Did you know that the bloodworm actually has copper teeth augmented with proteins for increased ?

May 11, 2008
Fun fact is that the teeth of the bloodworm are actually made of copper and protein. This little creature actually is the "James Bond Jaws Character [played by Richard Kiel]" version in nature.
Scary fact is that these teeth are hollow similar to fangs of a snake and the bloodworm does seem to inject venom as well, like a syringe. I find this guy that allows himself to bite, is really loving the nature version of Russian Roulette.
About the blood worm : The family name is glycera.

How these teeth are made , has been an extensive subject to research.
There is a great article on Physorg :

Small excerpt :
Bloodworms are known for their unusual fang-like jaws, which are made of protein, melanin, and concentrations of copper not found elsewhere in the animal kingdom. Scientists have observed how these worms use copper harvested from marine sediments to form their jaws, and the process, described in research publishing in the journal Matter on April 25, may be even more unusual than the teeth themselves.

Because the worms only form their jaws once, they need to be strong and tough enough to last the entirety of the animal's five-year lifespan. They use them to bite prey, sometimes puncturing straight through an exoskeleton, and inject venom that paralyzes victims.

What do you guys and gals think ?
Interesting yes ?

Torn Mind

Nov 25, 2012
It's ever fascinating how cells manage to interact with its environment and after generations, however many or few, the process crafts a creature to take advantage of what the environment gives to them.

And man is hungry to research more because the costs do not outweigh the benefits here.

Nature is one fine chemist(statins were first dervied from Red Yeast Rice)

Torn Mind

Nov 25, 2012
Think of what humans can evolve with micro-plastics in our systems. Diamond-like skin?
Whatever we developed out of, we had plenty of vitamin the point we no longer make our own, unlike most other creatures' livers or kidneys.
Jul 27, 2020
Nature is one fine chemist(statins were first dervied from Red Yeast Rice)
Nature created by God. Nothing (even the most vile thing) has been created in vain. There's a purpose for everything and only through His infinite wisdom did this creature come to life over millions of years of evolution (coz that time is nothing for Him) and there is some good to be had from it that scientists may or may not have discovered. Point is, it's not really cells or creatures reacting to their environment. It's the Will of God. Just wanted to inform you so I won't be getting into an argument with you. Thanks for reading.
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Jul 27, 2020
Whatever we developed out of, we had plenty of vitamin the point we no longer make our own, unlike most other creatures' livers or kidneys.
Umm no. I think most scientists believe it's a defect in our DNA. Probably lost vitamin C synthesis ability due to some mutation. Maybe the body producing vitamin C on demand has some detriment so our bodies got rid of it to become the most dominant and intelligent species on the planet.
Mar 11, 2004
Did you have an AI write your post and then are you writing clickbait for the title? ("...with proteins for increased ?")

Personally I think its the fact that it looks like a prolapsed asshole the scariest. Seems like a good candidate for a sequel to the movie Teeth but maybe aimed at gay men.
Jul 27, 2020
Man created 'God' for those too stupid and unwilling to accept Mother Nature.
Umm no. Atheists believe in too many coincidences. Theists don't. Think about it. Why would a Universe randomly align to create the perfect habitat on a planet just to have some animated creatures eating, pooping and procreating? What's in it for the Universe? Points to a higher being far above the Universe holding the strings.


Dec 15, 2015
Fun fact is that the teeth of the bloodworm are actually made of copper and protein. This little creature actually is the "James Bond Jaws Character [played by Richard Kiel]" version in nature.
Scary fact is that these teeth are hollow similar to fangs of a snake and the bloodworm does seem to inject venom as well, like a syringe. I find this guy that allows himself to bite, is really loving the nature version of Russian Roulette.
About the blood worm : The family name is glycera.

How these teeth are made , has been an extensive subject to research.
There is a great article on Physorg :

Small excerpt :
Bloodworms are known for their unusual fang-like jaws, which are made of protein, melanin, and concentrations of copper not found elsewhere in the animal kingdom. Scientists have observed how these worms use copper harvested from marine sediments to form their jaws, and the process, described in research publishing in the journal Matter on April 25, may be even more unusual than the teeth themselves.

Because the worms only form their jaws once, they need to be strong and tough enough to last the entirety of the animal's five-year lifespan. They use them to bite prey, sometimes puncturing straight through an exoskeleton, and inject venom that paralyzes victims.

What do you guys and gals think ?
Interesting yes ?
I'll see your bronze age worm and raise you an iron age meatloaf.

Chitons have long arrays of fine teeth that are partially made of magnetite, making its teeth hard enough to scrape algae off rocks.[5] The styli enclosing their teeth contain the mineral santabarbaraite,[6] making the gumboot the first organism known to use this material.
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No Lifer
Apr 3, 2001
Umm no. Atheists believe in too many coincidences. Theists don't. Think about it. Why would a Universe randomly align to create the perfect habitat on a planet just to have some animated creatures eating, pooping and procreating? What's in it for the Universe? Points to a higher being far above the Universe holding the strings.
“If you imagine a puddle waking up one morning and thinking, 'This is an interesting world I find myself in — an interesting hole I find myself in — fits me rather neatly, doesn't it? In fact it fits me staggeringly well, must have been made to have me in it!"


Oct 6, 2009
Nature created by God. Nothing (even the most vile thing) has been created in vain. There's a purpose for everything and only through His infinite wisdom did this creature come to life over millions of years of evolution (coz that time is nothing for Him) and there is some good to be had from it that scientists may or may not have discovered. Point is, it's not really cells or creatures reacting to their environment. It's the Will of God. Just wanted to inform you so I won't be getting into an argument with you. Thanks for reading.
Even if we accept the premise that our universe was intelligently designed, that doesn't mean our "creator" is necessarily benevolent, or that our "creator" gives a flying fuck about any of us other than for research/entertainment purposes.
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May 11, 2008
I'll see your bronze age worm and raise you an iron age meatloaf.

Amazing isn't it ?

Anyone sees a vague parallel to the Marvel universe ? Metal bonding to organic molecules ? Like Wolverine.
Nails of such materials would be nice, but the maintenance would be a challenge. Perhaps chemical solvents together with powertools. A metalfile , sandpaper...

Joke time :
If some Chinese underground researcher, some Asian dr Evil, find out how, i am going there with a one way ticket. And then come back modified.
I want part of my forearms to be like the modified muscles of an electric eel.
Great to paralyze attackers or at least remote control them in salt water. Cause that is what electric eels seem to be able to do while controlling electricity.
Those metal nails.
Venom glands, like with your pinky finger where a metal nail with a hollow duct is present.
Top side of forearms and topside of shins covered with biologically made carbonfiber enhanced with layers of metal to form armor , covered with diamond spikes or just like those copper teeth.
Biologically made carbon fiber to enhance the bones.

The combined eyesight of a human, an octopus and a mantis shrimp. Selectable of course in wavelength range. Like predator but without having to press a control unit.
That be like a biological version of the artificial vision of Geordi la Forge from Star trek.

And the DNA restored to be able to synthesize all essential aminoacids and vitamins. Stronger gut for more extreme bacteria able to metabolize the toughest material to be able to convert it to carbohydrates. Hydrocarbons instead of carbohydrates as power source would be an idea, but that would result in very flammable farts. Unless we would be in space with no oxygen.
And the epitheal cells in the large intestine to able to absorb hydrocarbons. Otherwise we would be either very drunk or dead.

The hearing range of a dolphin : 2Hz to 200kHz it seems. But selectable, normal mode is 20H to 20kHz.

Infrared senses on the cheeks. Like the infrared pits of a snake.
The nerve cells seem to have a protein called TRPA1 that makes the neuron sensitive to infrared waves.
For more information :

Sorry for many corrections of the type errors. I have 1 typing finger with a bandage. I feel like an annoyed cat with sticky tape to its paw.
Last edited:


Memory & Storage, Graphics Cards Mod Elite Member
Super Moderator
Sep 13, 2008
This does not look like a fun bug.
May 11, 2008
Nature created by God. Nothing (even the most vile thing) has been created in vain. There's a purpose for everything and only through His infinite wisdom did this creature come to life over millions of years of evolution (coz that time is nothing for Him) and there is some good to be had from it that scientists may or may not have discovered. Point is, it's not really cells or creatures reacting to their environment. It's the Will of God. Just wanted to inform you so I won't be getting into an argument with you. Thanks for reading.
IMHO : Evolution happens in jumps, not millions of years gradually.
Possible evolution jump events, may be magnetic field reversals, solar flares, Cosmic rays from nearby super nova, Cosmic rays from the sun. Ice-comets flying by or, releasing spores from bacteria or spores from fungi. Who happend to have mutagenic proteins or other mutagenic capabilities. And more. But my mind is limited at the moment. When i accelerate and request more neurons to jump in and help think , i have a power outage...:cry::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage:
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Torn Mind

Nov 25, 2012
IMHO : Evolution happens in jumps, not millions of years gradually.
Possible evolution jump events, may be magnetic field reversals, solar flares, Cosmic rays from nearby super nova, Cosmic rays from the sun. Ice-comets flying by or, releasing spores from bacteria or spores from fungi. Who happend to have mutagenic proteins or other mutagenic capabilities. And more. But my mind is limited at the moment. When i accelerate and request more neurons to jump in and help think , i have a power outage...:cry::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage:
Evolution can be in tens of thousands of years or less in response to more mundane things. Disease, changes in food supply.

The Black Plague did "select" those with better survival against the disease, with the tradeoff of susceptibility to autoimmune diseases.

Asians have less subcutaneous fat capacity than Western counterparts. Which to me suggest that upon settling and becoming rice and/or wheat addicts, there was an initial wave of fat people who could not get laid and thus did not propagate their genes.


No Lifer
Apr 3, 2001
Amazing isn't it ?

Anyone sees a vague parallel to the Marvel universe ? Metal bonding to organic molecules ? Like Wolverine.
Nails of such materials would be nice, but the maintenance would be a challenge. Perhaps chemical solvents together with powertools. A metalfile , sandpaper...

Joke time :
If some Chinese underground researcher, some Asian dr Evil, find out how, i am going there with a one way ticket. And then come back modified.
I want part of my forearms to be like the modified muscles of an electric eel.
Great to paralyze attackers or at least remote control them in salt water. Cause that is what electric eels seem to be able to do while controlling electricity.
Those metal nails.
Venom glands, like with your pinky finger where a metal nail with a hollow duct is present.
Top side of forearms and topside of shins covered with biologically made carbonfiber enhanced with layers of metal to form armor , covered with diamond spikes or just like those copper teeth.
Biologically made carbon fiber to enhance the bones.

The combined eyesight of a human, an octopus and a mantis shrimp. Selectable of course in wavelength range. Like predator but without having to press a control unit.
That be like a biological version of the artificial vision of Geordi la Forge from Star trek.

And the DNA restored to be able to synthesize all essential aminoacids and vitamins. Stronger gut for more extreme bacteria able to metabolize the toughest material to be able to convert it to carbohydrates. Hydrocarbons instead of carbohydrates as power source would be an idea, but that would result in very flammable farts. Unless we would be in space with no oxygen.
And the epitheal cells in the large intestine to able to absorb hydrocarbons. Otherwise we would be either very drunk or dead.

The hearing range of a dolphin : 2Hz to 200kHz it seems. But selectable, normal mode is 20H to 20kHz.

Infrared senses on the cheeks. Like the infrared pits of a snake.
The nerve cells seem to have a protein called TRPA1 that makes the neuron sensitive to infrared waves.
For more information :

Sorry for many corrections of the type errors. I have 1 typing finger with a bandage. I feel like an annoyed cat with sticky tape to its paw.
If we have to live in a cyberpunk dystopia, we should at least get the cool body mods we were promised.


Dec 15, 2015
Evolution can be in tens of thousands of years or less in response to more mundane things. Disease, changes in food supply.

The Black Plague did "select" those with better survival against the disease, with the tradeoff of susceptibility to autoimmune diseases.

Asians have less subcutaneous fat capacity than Western counterparts. Which to me suggest that upon settling and becoming rice and/or wheat addicts, there was an initial wave of fat people who could not get laid and thus did not propagate their genes.
Or an ever-present supply of high protein seafood and high carbohydrate count resulted in greater food and overall energy security.