I just flashed version
F13 last night, and two changes (and I have no idea what these settings mean) are that:
the default "
CPU Clock Drive" value changed from
800 mV in F11 to
700 mV in F13, and
the default "
PCI Express Clock Drive" value changed from
900 mV to
700 mV.
CPU Clock Ratio 22x
QPI Clock Ratio AUTO
Base Clock (BCLK) Control ENABLED
BCLK Frequency (MHz) 166
System Memory Multiplier (SPD) 8.0
PCI Express Frequency (MHz) 100
CPU Clock Drive 700 mV
PCI Express Clock Drive 700 mV
CPU Clock Skew 0 ps
Intel TurboBoost Tech AUTO
CPU Cores Enabled All
CPU Enhanced Halt (C1E) ENABLED
C3/C6 State Support ENABLED
CPU Thermal Monitor ENABLED
Bi-directional Prochot ENABLED
System Memory Multiplier 8.0
Performance Enhance STANDARD
DRAM Timing Selectable (SPD) AUTO
Load-Line Calibration AUTO
Dynamic Vcore (DVID) +0.02500 V
API/VH Voltage 1.150 V
PCH Core 1.050 V
CPU PLL 1.800 V
DRAM Voltage 1.500 V
DRAM Termination AUTO
Ch-A Data VRef AUTO
Ch-B Data VRef AUTO
Ch-A Address VRef AUTO
Ch-B Address Vref AUTO
Isochronous Support ENABLED
Virtualization Technology ENABLED
An upcoming project is to change all of the above "AUTO" and "NORMAL" settings to actual values, as I've learned several times that what Gigabyte considers appropriate for AUTO often disagrees with what I do.
The above values give me a stable 3.65 Ghz, but also powers down nicely to 1.5Ghz (9x 166) when at idle/low load. I'm not an ego-driven OC'er (well, maybe just a
little), I just want as fast a processor as I can get --
only when I need it -- to reduce "work" time, even when I'm playing, hence I have TurboBoost, SpeedStep, C1, C3/C6, etc enabled.
I tried to keep my Kingston Value Ram as close to 1333Mhz as possible, as I know it's not a good candidate for overclocking. I ended up using the 2:8 FSB: DRAM ratio.