I got one in the mail last week, and seeing as how it was time to change razor blades on my trusty old Mach 3 Turbo, I figured I'd give it a shot. I don't normally shave everyday since I get razor burn easily, so I had about 4 days worth of growth on my face.
First impressions? It sucks if you've got more than a day's worth of stubble. It felt like it was trying to pull the hairs out rather than cut them. I did notice that when I went back to get it totally smooth (I shave against and from the side to get everything) that it did feel quite nice. For the record, I use gel shaving cream, not foam (the brand name escapes me at the moment).
I tried the same thing again 2 days later, and it still felt like I was having my hair pulled out, but it wasn't as bad as the 4 day growth.
I think I'll give it a few more tries, but I think in the end I'll stay with my Mach 3 Turbo.