Uhh, it's a progressive thing for me. Season 5's killing of Tony kinda did it for me though. I was sick and tired of the random deaths. If that's what it takes to keep a show afloat by killing people off to get gasps and screaming fans, then that's SAD. The basic elements of keeping a show intense, suspenseful and climatic all ended with Season 2. I notice that Season 2 is the season where a lot of basic elements of TV shows falls apart and all these shows sidetrack.
24: Season 3 was just BS. Come on. They couldn't drag the virus plot long enough so they divided it up into halves or so.
Season 4 was even worse. You went from meltdowns to what? I forgot what was going on, but there were multiple parts to the season.
Season 5... you go from killiing the president into starting a war with the Russians into striking the Russians into striking America? Please.
Season 1 and 2 kept it realistic. America got hit with 1 incident each time. In Season 1 it was Jack's family getting ripped apart. That's realistic. Season 2 was America getting hit by 1 terrorist blow. Season 5 was like wtf. You assassinate a president, then you blow up an airport, then you kill ab unch of people in a mall, and then what? Can you imagine what the world would be like in the middle of Season 5? YOu would not only have martial law declared but you would have looting, riots, and all hell woudl be breaking loose in America if 9/11 + Oklahoma City + 30 days of Iraq all occured within 24 hours on American soil.
Season 6 is outright stupid because it's a repeat of all 5 seasons. You take a little from eacha nd you stick it in. Yay.
I watch it because I've obviously invested 24 * 5 hours of my life into this show and I'll just continue to the end. I only watch it recorded. I watch Heroes live.
And if you think 24 is still godly, you're in denial or you're incapable of appreciating art and culture. 24 is so 1-dimensional. You can only go so far before Jack Bauer's "baddass-ness" gets old. It's just like Chuck Norris. It gets to a point where his shows aren't even serious and just a joke. Same here. I guess the serious nature of the show keeps it intact still, but honestly, if you think there's quality screenwriting here, you're out of your mind.
Season 1 was a work of art. It put you at the edge of your seat when you were like "Huh what's going on?" and a "OMG I want to see what happens next." That was the only season I could keep going NEXT EPISODE PLEASE! Then all the subplots fell in together and came to 1 giant megaplot. That's what TV shows are supposed to be like.
See how Heroes does it? You start with individual characters in their separate lives, and then slowly it all falls in place and their lives start to mesh together.
Same with Lost, except Lost did the mistake of opening too many doors and throwing out too many questions at viewers that it got old.
I hate it when my 24 friend goes "DID YOU WATCH IT TONIGHT? IT WAS SOOOO GOOD" Was it good? Maybe exciting, but the show being of GOOD quality is a little bit of an overstatement. I just tell him off and say "Ok, it might be exciting and filled with action, but if any show tonight was good, it was Heroes." Then he shakes his head and shows disapproval. Maybe if he watched Heroes to begin with, things would be different.