Jan 11, 2005
Omg....I'm going crazy and having a hell of time setting this up! It took forever to set up, all sorts of problems, but i got through that. Now i can't connect to the internet, can't set up the video.....or really do anything....I tryed using pppsetup, and kppp dial up program, but nothings working. in kppp i just get modem busy....I think part of the problem was when i set it up and it made me choose a "spot" for it..i have no idea where it's supposed to go. like ttys4? i think....i have no idea...Any help you can give me on this, or general advice, tips tricks, anything! It would be very very greatly appreciated. Thank you.


Golden Member
Aug 2, 2004
OK, one problem at a time. First, the modem.

1. Give us the output of /sbin/lspci.
2. Assuming it's a real hardware modem, /dev/ttyS[0-3] maps to COM[1-4].
3. If it's a winmodem, your chances of getting it to work go down significantly.

Now, for video:

1. You report running kppp, which means that X is running, but you say that you're having problems. WTF?
2. /sbin/lspci
3. Run X -configure as root. This will create /root/xorg.conf.new or /root/XF86Config.new, depending on what version of Slack you're using. Rename to drop the .new extension, and move the file to /etc/X11.
4. If you have not done so already, run xwmconfig and select something other than twm.

That should get you into a more-than-sane state.
Jan 11, 2005
i have a pci modem, pctel platinum V.90, I'm running slackware 10

the video question was because i didn't setup my video card or anything anywhere...dont i have to do that?



Elite Member
Sep 14, 2001
i have a pci modem, pctel platinum V.90

Good luck, most PCI modems are software modems meaning the actual modem crap is done in the driver and I've never gotten one to work in Linux. Back when I had a modem, oh so many years ago, I always bought an external one because then you're sure it's a hardware modem and will work with anything that has a serial driver.

the video question was because i didn't setup my video card or anything anywhere...dont i have to do that?

Does X work? If so, then no I guess you don't have to do that.