I have a 6600 (non GT =( ) that I will be using, 2x IDE HDs, Ultra Dragon case, getting ocx gamexstream back from my modstream RMA (OCZ did it for free, 450W to 600W, nice of them)
Have around $200 to spend AR.
Does that look okay? RAM rebate expires Aug 2 =\ so I need to order tomorrow. (Go go night crew )
http://www.xoxide.com/thermalr...-am2-bracket-rev2.html (and this so that I can use my beloved xp-90)
Any other mobos that are good? More specifically, any ATX mobos?
Have around $200 to spend AR.
Does that look okay? RAM rebate expires Aug 2 =\ so I need to order tomorrow. (Go go night crew )
http://www.xoxide.com/thermalr...-am2-bracket-rev2.html (and this so that I can use my beloved xp-90)
Any other mobos that are good? More specifically, any ATX mobos?