I know this isnt a hot deal or nothin, but u need to watch out for these guys. I ordered a video card from YMI. Its a company I found on Pricematch. Their on there a lot. YMI stands for Yang Ming International. But I ordered a video card and the foolio's charged me that day, and i was looking over my statement and there it was again, charged again the very next day. So I called them and their customer service kept askin , "so what do you want to do?" I just got kinda pissed that they would ask a question like that, shouldnt they be apologizing or something? I forgot the exact web address for this YMI place, but it'll say YMI clearly on the header on the first page. Im trying ot find it again on pricematch butt heir site is sunder construction, and i need ot get my z's.