Site Done Want Feedback


Senior member
Aug 17, 2001
Ok I am trying to improve my page to get more shop views and not just people stopping at the main page.

I have added a few pictures w/ links to tupperware products. Do you think it would be best to add text under each picture, or just one statement to click on a picture for more info?

Also what do you think about the size of the picutre?

I am not dealing with spacing or anything yet. That will come once I figure out exactly if I need text and layout along w/ what other products to show.

Serious help here please.

I am limited as to how much I can do as tupperware owns the site and has limits on what we can do.


click the link in my sig to go to my site.

Electric Amish

Elite Member
Oct 11, 1999
If you want to do more, I'd put a link on that site and make yourself another site that you can use as you please.



Grand Nagus
Feb 24, 2000
I would get your own domain name which only costs $29 plus tax for a domain and website hosting.

You'll have full control over the content and even get your own customized e-mail addresses!


Senior member
Aug 17, 2001
well the site we get through them is the only way we can sell online.

If we make a site ourselves or domain we are not allowed to sell from there. We can do a link I believe that would take the person to our tupperware site but that is all.

Kind of sucks. SO I have to work w/ what they give me.



Mar 19, 2001
~~What I would do~~

I'd scout out the rest of the salespeoples sites. If there are top rated ones then I'd go to them and basically steal their site design. That may not be entirely ethically sound, but all's fair in love and tupperware.

Obviously you don't want it to be a complete ripoff. The idea is that you're taking the ideas of their page that work and modifying them to work on your page.

Not allowing you to setup your own domain is crap.


Senior member
Aug 17, 2001
Problem is most that I see have so much graphics that for a dial up it would take for ever for the site to load.

Also there is no way to see what sites get heavy traffic flow or not. I have been getting around 300 hits a month but only like 10 shop views and no ordes. I am hoping by doing some of the color font things and pics that it will help increase the shop views and orders or at least ppl emailing for more information.

Plus I can't figure out how they are getting around the html flags in the dumb web editor we can type in. Some have really neat spinning cube graphics and tables all sort of things. I just don't know enough to figure how they cheated the system.

and to copy it directly from the source view I would have to figure where to chop the info for them and how to make the links work so I got the sales credit not them. ( I hope that makes sense)

So anyhow I am back to do the pics look ok that size or should they be bigger? and text under the pics or just one line that says something like click on the picture to learn more about the product?