Yes, newer version of Sandra shows correct info.
BUT, the newer "A" boards do NOT maintain 33/66 settings.
What they do is change settings of 133MHz and above to 1/4 instead of 1/3.
Older KT7 running 133FSB had PCI clock at 44MHz, and AGP at 88Mhz. (1/3).
New "A" board set at 133 will use 1/4, and PCI/AGP will be 33/66 MHz.
Your board is using +133, so 1/4, and as your Bios shows you, PCI clock is overclocked to 34MHz, while AGP would be at 68MHz.
Another thing you should know about using +133 is you lose the option of running memory at FSB + PCI clock. Your memory is stuck at 136 with a 136FSB. With a 112Mhz FSB, memory can run at 112+37, or 149MHz. Big performance boost.