Sin's wages: a dollar or a soda


Golden Member
Feb 12, 2004

Sin's wages: a dollar or a soda

Yvette and her friends are also called kidogo usharatis, Swahili for small prostitutes. They loiter outside the camps of U.N. peacekeepers, hoping to sell their bodies for a mug of milk, a cold soda or -- best of all -- a single dollar.

This has to be the saddest story I have read in a long time. It is a crime for being poor, and it is getting worst in our society.


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2000
It is rather depressing, but you may not know that these stories are almost exact copies of what was happening in Germany around the US-controlled camps and US military installations after the war. While not the outright rape perpetrated by the Russian army on thousands of German women (not that US and British were entirely innocent in that regard), these nuances mattered little to the hungry German girls. Most of the (right-wing) media goes on and on about Congo primarily because it was controlled by the UN. You will not hear a peep from them about the rapes and abuse of women in the Albanian areas of Serbia and Macedonia (Albania and Kosovo are behind most of the flesh trade in Europe), because they are our "friends". Have you wondered what goes around Camp Bondsteel in Kosovo and the UN bases there? Where can we read about it in the US media?


Jan 12, 2002
Originally posted by: fornax
It is rather depressing, but you may not know that these stories are almost exact copies of what was happening in Germany around the US-controlled camps and US military installations after the war. While not the outright rape perpetrated by the Russian army on thousands of German women (not that US and British were entirely innocent in that regard), these nuances mattered little to the hungry German girls. Most of the (right-wing) media goes on and on about Congo primarily because it was controlled by the UN. You will not hear a peep from them about the rapes and abuse of women in the Albanian areas of Serbia and Macedonia (Albania and Kosovo are behind most of the flesh trade in Europe), because they are our "friends". Have you wondered what goes around Camp Bondsteel in Kosovo and the UN bases there? Where can we read about it in the US media?

Didn't the soviets just massivily rape german girls outright too?


Sep 15, 2002
Originally posted by: Infohawk
Originally posted by: fornax
It is rather depressing, but you may not know that these stories are almost exact copies of what was happening in Germany around the US-controlled camps and US military installations after the war. While not the outright rape perpetrated by the Russian army on thousands of German women (not that US and British were entirely innocent in that regard), these nuances mattered little to the hungry German girls. Most of the (right-wing) media goes on and on about Congo primarily because it was controlled by the UN. You will not hear a peep from them about the rapes and abuse of women in the Albanian areas of Serbia and Macedonia (Albania and Kosovo are behind most of the flesh trade in Europe), because they are our "friends". Have you wondered what goes around Camp Bondsteel in Kosovo and the UN bases there? Where can we read about it in the US media?

Didn't the soviets just massivily rape german girls outright too?

Yup, and abused the sh1t out of Germany.


Diamond Member
Dec 9, 2001
Originally posted by: Tabb
Originally posted by: Infohawk
Originally posted by: fornax
It is rather depressing, but you may not know that these stories are almost exact copies of what was happening in Germany around the US-controlled camps and US military installations after the war. While not the outright rape perpetrated by the Russian army on thousands of German women (not that US and British were entirely innocent in that regard), these nuances mattered little to the hungry German girls. Most of the (right-wing) media goes on and on about Congo primarily because it was controlled by the UN. You will not hear a peep from them about the rapes and abuse of women in the Albanian areas of Serbia and Macedonia (Albania and Kosovo are behind most of the flesh trade in Europe), because they are our "friends". Have you wondered what goes around Camp Bondsteel in Kosovo and the UN bases there? Where can we read about it in the US media?

Didn't the soviets just massivily rape german girls outright too?

Yup, and abused the sh1t out of Germany.

Just paying back what the Germans did to the motherland.

Not saying that it's right, it's horrible. Did the girls deserve getting raped? Absolutely not...


Elite Member
Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: OffTopic It is a crime for being poor, and it is getting worst in our society.

Life can be quite tragic but that statement is incredibly stupid and you should be ashamed for making it. If you think it's so horrible that there is such poverty in the world what are YOU doing to get rid of that poverty?


Golden Member
Feb 12, 2004
Originally posted by: rahvin
Originally posted by: OffTopic It is a crime for being poor, and it is getting worst in our society.

Life can be quite tragic but that statement is incredibly stupid and you should be ashamed for making it. If you think it's so horrible that there is such poverty in the world what are YOU doing to get rid of that poverty?

I might be naive, but feel terrible that children have to suffer like that. I have seen quite a bit of suffering in my life and I try to help the best that I can. I donate money & time to battered women & orphanage every year. I have volunteered every weekend at the local soup kitchen for over 4 years. I teach photography/pottery to children and basic adult computer skills at the local college for free, and I plan to work with none profit organizations in third world countries once I retire.

My GF & I have similar goal, because her skill as a nurse will be very useful where people can?t afford to pay for health.

[edit] I also donate money to the local children burn fund every year, and my GF donate money & time to the the children hospital and cardiac disease foundation every year.


Diamond Member
May 20, 2001
Originally posted by: OffTopic
Originally posted by: rahvin
Originally posted by: OffTopic It is a crime for being poor, and it is getting worst in our society.

Life can be quite tragic but that statement is incredibly stupid and you should be ashamed for making it. If you think it's so horrible that there is such poverty in the world what are YOU doing to get rid of that poverty?

I might be naive, but feel terrible that children have to suffer like that. I have seen quite a bit of suffering in my life and I try to help the best that I can. I donate money & time to battered women & orphanage every year. I have volunteered every weekend at the local soup kitchen for over 4 years. I teach photography/pottery to children and basic adult computer skills at the local college for free, and I plan to work with none profit organizations in third world countries once I retire.

My GF & I have similar goal, because her skill as a nurse will be very useful where people can?t afford to pay for health.

[edit] I also donate money to the local children burn fund every year, and my GF donate money & time to the the children hospital and cardiac disease foundation every year.

!!CHEER!! At last someone who doesnt whine and do nothing. Very nice. :beer:



Oct 11, 2004
Originally posted by: rahvin
Originally posted by: OffTopic It is a crime for being poor, and it is getting worst in our society.

Life can be quite tragic but that statement is incredibly stupid and you should be ashamed for making it. If you think it's so horrible that there is such poverty in the world what are YOU doing to get rid of that poverty?

wow rahvin

I think you were the poor little young girl who has to make a living from sellig herself

your attitude makes you trutly deserve it.


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2000
Originally posted by: Infohawk
Didn't the soviets just massivily rape german girls outright too?

Infohawk, did you read my post? This is precisley what I said. The crimes of the occupying forces in Germany have been well documented, although they didin't and still don't make a popular reading in Russia, US and the UK.

The sad thing is that the situation is nearly identical around military bases all over the world, be it UN, US, Russian, British, etc. Many military commanders either ignore it or tacitly encourage it. But my original point stands: the reason we hear about Congo is because it's UN-controlled. You will not hear anything about under-age prostituion on our military bases from the "support-our-troops" crowd.


Diamond Member
Jan 12, 2005
Originally posted by: alphatarget1
Did the girls deserve getting raped? Absolutely not...

But according to some right-wingers I've heard (I swear this is true), a raped woman/girl can get pregnant ONLY if she enjoyed it.



Jan 12, 2002
Originally posted by: fornax
Originally posted by: Infohawk
Didn't the soviets just massivily rape german girls outright too?

Infohawk, did you read my post? This is precisley what I said. The crimes of the occupying forces in Germany have been well documented, although they didin't and still don't make a popular reading in Russia, US and the UK.

The sad thing is that the situation is nearly identical around military bases all over the world, be it UN, US, Russian, British, etc. Many military commanders either ignore it or tacitly encourage it. But my original point stands: the reason we hear about Congo is because it's UN-controlled. You will not hear anything about under-age prostituion on our military bases from the "support-our-troops" crowd.

I thought you were talking about Germans prostituting themselves and Russians paying for it. I don't consider that rape.


Golden Member
Mar 14, 2001
Originally posted by: Infohawk

I thought you were talking about Germans prostituting themselves and Russians paying for it. I don't consider that rape.

well by US stantards sex with underage prostitutes whether paid for or not is rape (statuatory?)


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2000
Infohawk, here is the exact quote form my post:

While not the outright rape perpetrated by the Russian army on thousands of German women ....

It is well known (for those who care to read), that the Russian soldiers raped and molested thousands, if not tens of thousand German girls and women. While there have been documented cases of rapes by US and British soldiers (some where court-martialed), it cannot be compared with the actions of the Russian army. To be fair, quite a few Russian (well, Soviet at that time) soldiers were also court-martialed, some shot on the spot. However, the German girls did exactly what the Congolese ones do now: offered themselves to the US troops for scrapes from the table.

My main point was that then and now, the most vulnerable of the local population -- hungry women and girls left without male relatives because of the war (as was in Congo and Germany), or because of abject poverty and appaling living conditions -- will gravitate towards the military bases and offer themselves to the soldiers for a cookie or a bottle of milk or a few pieces of bread.