I knew you'd jump on that before I had a chance to expand on my thought...
What I am trying to convey is that while seniors have a very easy time voting at the booth, there are many people who have obligations which may impact their ability to vote. Family emergencies, work emergencies, two or three jobs -- all of these will likely never impact a senior voter but can be quite commonplace for someone gainfully employed.
So, if you imply that seniors vote en masse out of civic duty, I'd say you could also attribute a portion of that to boredom, which is a common problem among the elderly. When there's a chance to go out and do something, they take it. In essence, the civic duty aspect is much easier for them to fulfill. It's not a huge point, but I think it lessens the significance of a large percentage of seniors voting during every election when you attempt to use that fact to prove the premise that seniors are well informed and vote as a result.
Oh, by the way, I'm not whining.
It comes down to a general negative view I have of the American public at large. I've mentioned it before and will say so again -- there are plenty of idiots loose in this country. If you doubt that, then you really haven't read a newspaper in about twenty years (and that's not just for the articles themselves, the writers sometimes are enough to convince you). Pay particular attention to the Letters to the Editor -- rarely are there nuggests of intelligence in there, and it's quite shocking to read some people's comments. Then, these people vote. People were having trouble understanding $660 billion (they did an interview with some people on a local station here), when Gore mentioned that in the debate. Ok, perhaps it's a large number to truly comprehend, but if the mere mention of a number makes people confused, who can say that they understand the practical implications of a tax cut in capital gains, a reduction of the prime rate, or any other somewhat involved financial actions of the federal government? These are the same people who you say make intelligent and informed choices?
Ok, I'll edit some more when I get home...work in progress so stop commenting before I'm finished.