I wish someone with a new Nvidia card would write up their experience using it with three monitors and how it works, how you can mess around with different sized monitors, etc.
I remember with one monitor on my old Nvidia card, I could adjust custom resolutions for that monitor (e.g., turn a 1600x1200 monitor into a 1600x900 monitor). If the new Nvidia cards let you do that when you are using a setup like the OP here, then it would allow someone to maintain the same aspect ratio on all 3 monitors! But, who knows if Nvidia allows that, it just doesn't come up in the reviews I've seen.
My experience with AMD cards (58XX series) in triple monitor is that you can't arbitrarily change aspect ratios for any of the monitors under the AMD control panel, so in mixed aspect, you'd have to resort to exotic work-arounds if you want to trick the side monitors into pretending to be wide aspect, and the 1600x1200 monitors I tried it on would distort to fill the entire screen rather than letterbox.
However, the game you play may compensate. For example, with the Chronicles of Riddick series, you can specify the pixel shape. So, you could choose whether to keep the center monitor the correct aspect ratio and distort the sides, or vice versa. I found that having distorted side monitors was not very noticeable and maintained the visual immersion, and my peripheral vision didn't mind so much and I appreciated keeping the center monitor correct.
Since then I've tried a different approach, by purchasing a 4th monitor to match my side monitors. So now I have 3x matched 1600x1200 monitors, and a 1920x1200 monitor. Not sure what I'm going to do here, because I want the triple set to play FPS, and the 1920x1200 to play Starcraft 2, so I think I'll just be sliding monitors around and using my wall mount to move one out of the way to make room for another temporarily.
Anyway, biodtl, there are more considerations you should look into, with your mixed-monitor setup. Ask/look around and see if you can get any info on how Nvidia can or cannot compensate for mixed monitors when doing triple monitor setup. I haven't found anything, but I haven't looked very hard. It may turn out that AMD's solution is better or worse, and that might make your decision easier between the two brands, assuming they have comparable performance/price and both support triple monitor.
Edit: oh, forgot to point out, that even though you think right now that you won't use all 3 monitors when you game, I wanted to warn you that once you try it, I think you may reconsider. It's kind of a 'whoa' experience getting that immersion feeling, and you already have the monitors, so I think it would make sense to at least consider this as a factor in your purchase - thinking that you may inevitably play triple monitor gaming