Simple way to combine two audio CDs into a single/synced track?

Jan 31, 2002
A quick Googling didn't get me too far - it found a lot of utilities for joining files end-to-end, but not overlapping. I'm sure Nero Wave Editor or any sort of sound editor more complex than Windows can do it.

First step, you need to get the tracks off the CD - I suggest ExactAudioCopy (EAC). :)

- M4H


Senior member
Apr 18, 2005
Rip both to .wav and open each in a player, play and pause until synced then record? You'd not have parts of the first songs synced of course, but it would be something. Other than that yeah, decent editing software. Dunno what's free that would do that, but something in the range of Cool Edit *cough*Audition*cough* ought to do the trick. I know I had an old Cool Edit demo somewhere that was pretty darn functional for shareware, maybe available for dl.