sigh, not sure what i am even asking....


Junior Member
Jul 9, 2003
i have a leadtek mb with nforce2 chipset. amd 2000 cpu, 768 ddr ram. 9500 pro video card. the MB has onboard geforce4mx graphics, which i was using prior to getting the 9500pro. the 9500pro installed with no fuss at all. im using the latest radeon driver.

it jsut seems.....slow....ish....

i am not seeing any significant graphic improvement in my games, and im actually seeing worse performance in some games (noticeably worse). even with all the settings set to performance in the ati control panel. (no anti aliasing etc)

im not even sure where to start, because i cannot pinpoint anything wrong, other than sluggish performance. am i jsut expecting too much from the 9500 pro? i expected a big improvement over the onboard video, i certainly didnt expect worse performance.

any suggestions? i know i was very vague. ive reinstalled the drivers etc etc. im interested in running some kind of benchmark program using the onboard video and then using the 9500pro, what benchmark program/s could i use ?



Diamond Member
Apr 4, 2003
did u uninstall the nvidiot drivers before installing the ati card? If not, that is most definately your problem. Uninstall both nvidia and ati drivers, then use driver cleaner, then re-install cat 3.7's.


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2003
Yes definately uninstall the nvidiot drivers and disable onboard video.
I'd test it using 3dmark01 because I don't think the onboard would run 3dmark03. Not sure about that though.