Should you eat protein and fat for breakfast, or are carbs enough?


Diamond Member
Jul 24, 2000
If I have a bowl of cereal in the morning, I seem to be less lathargic and more awake during work(where I sit in front of a computer all day). If I have 'extra' protein and fat, in the form of breakfast meats, or frozen breakfast food (pockets, tv dinners, mcdonalds), they seem to bring me down in the morning. Oatmeal, cereal(with ricemilk), or waffles are what I have been eating. Is it healthy for me to do this? I know that cereals have both protein and fat, but not as much as the other stuff that I eat. I also try to avoid cow juice as much as possible(I'm lactose intolerant), and I use rice milk with me cereal. I don't live a very active lifestyle(I'm an IT consultant), but I do try to get moderate exercise 3 to 4 times a week. I don't really lift very often at the gym, I mostly do cardio. Am I eating healthy, or should I change my ways?:confused:


Diamond Member
May 6, 2001
Just follow the food groups and you are okay!
Canadian Food Guide

Bascially, bowl of cereal with high dietary fiber (watch amount of sugar in the cereal!!) with low fat milk/ricemilk/whatever and a piece of fruit and a glass of juice is a very good breakfast unless you are heavily into weight lifting, working out, running, etc. I enjoy oatmeal as well because it keeps me from getting hungry too fast. Once again, be careful about what kind of cereal you eat and what you dump on your oatmeal in terms of sugar, etc. :)

You can also add variety such as having a boiled/poached egg on whole wheat toast, or try yogurt with fruit, you get the idea! :p