Setting up Win2k Users


Senior member
Mar 23, 2000
Just wondering on how I would go about setting up a user on Win2k Server that I don't want to be able to log in locally.

ie. The person will only be able to access mail and the web site remotely.

What I have done is set up the account and checked the box "Log on to Compurters" and then checked "The following computers" and I have not entered any computer names.

Is this secure? Is this the correct way of doing things?


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2001
Nope. That only works if they're coming from some sort of domain structure.

Go to Local Security Settings, Local Polices, "Log on locally", and make sure their ID is NOT present, nor any group that they are a member of. BTW, be careful not to lock yourself out!

In the same area, "Access this computer from the network" should have their ID (or group) in it, so they can connect remotely.
