Team rank) Name .............. total wu/new wu
The Race to Number 50:
51) cakin .................................19631 / 72
58) conjur ...............................16984 / 37
Awesome Adul's Race to TA-250:
253)Adul .....................................3033 / 18
20,000 Before the Project Ends, or Else!:
49) Poopaskoopa ....................19994 / 21
52) WayneS ...............................19528 / 43
53) Rebel Alliance ...................18742 / 94
54) LiveLongAndProsper .......17627 / 59
55) Ben98SentraSE ..................17598 / 6
The Great 10K CountDown:
97) Wiz ...................................9913 / 9
98) The TWTA Bus...............9897 / 9
101)Fardringle ........................9691 / 12
104)GolfGeek .........................9364 / 26
107)John Wulff ........................9298 / 54
112)Jatwell ..............................8418 / 41
The Crunch & Munch 10K
100)British Bulldog Racers ....9697 / 12
102)minendo ............................9514 / 18
117)The Wildnet Team............7830 / 17
Bob The Wizard's Evil 1K Zip Zim Dash:
577)Zim Hosein .........................891 / 8
588)BobTheWizard ....................846 / 8
The Christof Crunch - Gotta Get To 250:
1437)Christof ..................................78 / 2
Seti Stud-Studded Stud Stomp to 4000:
Pazoo .....................................32074 / 103 (1871)
ShuxClams ...........................47114 / 95 (1702)
Rebel Alliance ......................18742 / 94 (1624)
jatwell ......................................8418 / 41 (1485)
zodder ....................................29455 / 84 (1300)
Wild and Wooly WU Whomper to 3500:
cakin .....................................19631 / 72 (637)
Sizzlin Soni ..........................41874 / 87 (581) :Q
def .........................................23055 / 18 (298)
lane42 ..................................24211 / 12 (208)
3000 WU Smoosh: <-------------------------------------- Watch out, Mighty Micron! Here come the Great Danes!
Mighty Micron .......................12147 / 54 (2881)
Toft / Vold - DK ...................15974 / 72 (2880)
Last One to 2000 is a WU Wimp!:
Domination ........................11381 / 34 (292)
Electrode ..............................5936 / 29 (231)
Major Tom ..........................24414 / 26 (212)
Marrkks .................................5764 / 0 (98)
Plain Old Race to Crunch 1500 WU's:
neovan ..................................7454 / 22 (1447)
LyNx01 .................................2920 / 1 (1290)
1500 WU Smackdown:
The Wildnet Team..............7830 / 17 (1426)
ZeroEffect .........................13293 / 12 (1286)
Maggotry ..............................6049 / 13 (1198)
Orange Kid .........................7395 / 0 (410)
Networkman and Swanny's 1K Sprint:
Swanny ...............................12796 / 55 (152)
Networkman ......................26315 / 50 (142)
Master Plaster WU Blaster to 1000:
DAPUNISHER ....................3096 / 24 (205)
Adul .......................................3033 / 18 (196)
Maggotry ..............................6049 / 13 (147)
TheEvil1 .................................1034 / 12 (103)
KCJeeper ............................7227 / 8 (81)
1000 WU Packet Pounder Derby:
crt1530 .............................13564 / 13 (261)
Evadman ...........................5450 / 14 (221)
ys .........................................3611 / 11 (210)
Pyxis ...................................5230 / 3 (200)
1000 WU Woad Wally:
BigFatCow ...........................4581 / 16 (957)
ElFenix ..................................9320 / 15 (865)
Lonely Racers:
5) PieDerro ..........................67099 / 127
6) Smokeball .......................58248 / 1
10) LastKnight .....................52985 / 225
11) IsOs ................................52255 / 112
16) The Federation .............43003 / 122
24) m2kewl ..........................30632 / 56
27) Crazee ............................28642 / 96
32) LANMAN..........................26018 / 2
34) IJump .............................24435 / 0
37) Yield.................................23881 / 44
38) wirelessenabled ...........23814 / 57
44) Darth Polo ......................21668 / 314 :Q:Q
45) SoulAssassin ...............21049 / 24
47) EvilWobbles ..................20619 / 28
50) DroolMAN! ......................19802 / 14
63) Basilisk420 ....................14402 / 40
65) Baldy18 ...........................13802 / 22
68) Karsten ...........................13577 / 34
83) paf077 .............................11237 / 39
84) MoFunk ...........................11061 / 10
89) tuffguy ..............................10552 / 0
99) Old Geezer ......................9869 / 12
119)Slahr Dzhe .......................7510 / 0
138)teriba..................................6065 / 24
148)Dazmite ............................5753 / 3
160)Ishmael2k ........................5041 / 8
179)sukhoi ...............................4274 / 2
254)Spacehead ......................3023 / 15
278)Logix .................................2648 / 0
283)Starrider ............................2547 / 27
387)Actaeon .............................1743 / 0
403)SpookyFish ......................1660 / 0
468)Lithium381 .......................1353 / 0
542)JetsFanatic .......................1024 / 0
891)titanmiller ............................361 / 0
1834)Shimmishim ......................20 / 4
Milestones achieved on 1/30:
Pie Derro - 67000 (67099)
The Federation - TeAm Anandtech - 43000 (43003)
pazoo - 32000 (32074)
SETI@Geneva - 17000 (17046)
JimMc - 8000 (8006)
Chris S - 4000 (4010)
Spydweb - 4000 (4000)
shigum - 3000 (3003)
Pyrran - 3000 (3003)
Sato - Team Anandtech - 100 (100)
10 Most Recent Race Winners:
Team Funky Ray - 3000 WU Smoosh - 1/30/2003
crt1530 - 1000 WU Woad Wally - 1/30/2003
TheEvil1 - Bob The Wizard's Evil 1K Zip Zim Dash - 1/28/2003
Jatwell - 3000 WU Smoosh - 1/26/2003
BigWoofer - 3000 WU's or Bust, Baby! - 1/25/2003
Rebel Alliance - 3000 WU Smoosh - 1/25/2003
Maku - The Great 10K CountDown - 1/25/2003
Mucman - The Great 10K Countdown - 1/23/2003
Bad Bad Baldy18 - 1500 WU Smackdown - 1/21/2003
Electrode - Plain Old Race to Crunch 1500 WU's - 1/21/2003
The 3000 WU Smoosh is still the place where some hot and heavy action is on the table and every seat still has a butt in it. Now that Captain MoFunk and Rowdy Ray have cleared the track, Mighty Micron and Team Toft / Vold - DK are getting down to some serious racing business. No longer having to choke on the exhaust fumes from Captain MoFunk's psychadelic Funky Bus and the noxious gases escaping from Rowdy Ray's rear..., er, red Rascal Rider, the remaining pair on the track can get down to some serious racing action and getting down is exactly what Team Tofter / Volder is doing. Clean, fresh intake air does wonders for a racing rigs pure aspirated powerplant and the Great Danes have the pedal to the metal. Blasting away at wu's left and right with their double barrelled, triple action, particle blasting, forward facing wu cannon, Captain Toft and his stellar crew have navigated their fleet to within a single wu of Mighty Micron as the two combatants scream down the back stretch and throw their rigs into the final turn. It doesn't get much more exciting than this, folks!
It's tight all the way through the ranks in the Master Plaster WU Blaster to 1000 with DAPUNISHER punishing and completely tormenting workunits at a twenty-plus pace while Awesome Adul follows closely behind. Why Yes ys cruises in the three hole in the 1000 WU Packet Pounder Derby and has this race reporter thinking that he's saving up for a big purge to vault himself towards the front of the pack. Meanwhile, Powerful Pyxis pounds away at the rear of the pack, still only 61 wu's off the pace. Domination is living up to his name in Last One to 2000 is a WU Wimp! Dom is out to a 61 wu lead over Excellent Electrode and has dominated the competition since the starter's pistol went off and clipped his ear. Perhaps that's why he's running so fast?
the Wild and Wooly WU Whomper to 3500 is the scene of some tense action as Lanky Lane42 keeps filling his wu bladder, which must be very close to the point of bursting. Puttering along in last place, Lanky Lane looks to be very uncomfortable as his queue constipation worsens. Towards the front of the pack, Sizzlin' Soni and Makin Bacon Cakin are beatin' feet as fast as their rigs will carry them trying to clear the area before the impending fallout from lane's explosion reaches the front of the ranks.
Gotta run!
Advancements among racers on 1/30 include LiveLongAndProsper up 1 to 54, John Wulff up 1 to 107, Zim Hosein up 3 to 577, BobTheWizard up 4 to 588, Christof up 9 to 1437, Karsten up 1 to 68, teriba up 1 to 138, Starrider up 2 to 283, Lithium381 up 1 to 468, titanmiller up 1 to 891, Shimmishim up 54 to 1834.
God Bless America!
Race stats and race text generated by OD's automated SRL Stats-O-Matic version #1.3
Lame race commentary generated by the same goofball who always generates it.
The Race to Number 50:
51) cakin .................................19631 / 72
58) conjur ...............................16984 / 37
Awesome Adul's Race to TA-250:
253)Adul .....................................3033 / 18
20,000 Before the Project Ends, or Else!:
49) Poopaskoopa ....................19994 / 21
52) WayneS ...............................19528 / 43
53) Rebel Alliance ...................18742 / 94
54) LiveLongAndProsper .......17627 / 59
55) Ben98SentraSE ..................17598 / 6
The Great 10K CountDown:
97) Wiz ...................................9913 / 9
98) The TWTA Bus...............9897 / 9
101)Fardringle ........................9691 / 12
104)GolfGeek .........................9364 / 26
107)John Wulff ........................9298 / 54
112)Jatwell ..............................8418 / 41
The Crunch & Munch 10K
100)British Bulldog Racers ....9697 / 12
102)minendo ............................9514 / 18
117)The Wildnet Team............7830 / 17
Bob The Wizard's Evil 1K Zip Zim Dash:
577)Zim Hosein .........................891 / 8
588)BobTheWizard ....................846 / 8
The Christof Crunch - Gotta Get To 250:
1437)Christof ..................................78 / 2
Seti Stud-Studded Stud Stomp to 4000:
Pazoo .....................................32074 / 103 (1871)
ShuxClams ...........................47114 / 95 (1702)
Rebel Alliance ......................18742 / 94 (1624)
jatwell ......................................8418 / 41 (1485)
zodder ....................................29455 / 84 (1300)
Wild and Wooly WU Whomper to 3500:
cakin .....................................19631 / 72 (637)
Sizzlin Soni ..........................41874 / 87 (581) :Q
def .........................................23055 / 18 (298)
lane42 ..................................24211 / 12 (208)
3000 WU Smoosh: <-------------------------------------- Watch out, Mighty Micron! Here come the Great Danes!
Mighty Micron .......................12147 / 54 (2881)
Toft / Vold - DK ...................15974 / 72 (2880)
Last One to 2000 is a WU Wimp!:
Domination ........................11381 / 34 (292)
Electrode ..............................5936 / 29 (231)
Major Tom ..........................24414 / 26 (212)
Marrkks .................................5764 / 0 (98)
Plain Old Race to Crunch 1500 WU's:
neovan ..................................7454 / 22 (1447)
LyNx01 .................................2920 / 1 (1290)
1500 WU Smackdown:
The Wildnet Team..............7830 / 17 (1426)
ZeroEffect .........................13293 / 12 (1286)
Maggotry ..............................6049 / 13 (1198)
Orange Kid .........................7395 / 0 (410)
Networkman and Swanny's 1K Sprint:
Swanny ...............................12796 / 55 (152)
Networkman ......................26315 / 50 (142)
Master Plaster WU Blaster to 1000:
DAPUNISHER ....................3096 / 24 (205)
Adul .......................................3033 / 18 (196)
Maggotry ..............................6049 / 13 (147)
TheEvil1 .................................1034 / 12 (103)
KCJeeper ............................7227 / 8 (81)
1000 WU Packet Pounder Derby:
crt1530 .............................13564 / 13 (261)
Evadman ...........................5450 / 14 (221)
ys .........................................3611 / 11 (210)
Pyxis ...................................5230 / 3 (200)
1000 WU Woad Wally:
BigFatCow ...........................4581 / 16 (957)
ElFenix ..................................9320 / 15 (865)
Lonely Racers:
5) PieDerro ..........................67099 / 127
6) Smokeball .......................58248 / 1
10) LastKnight .....................52985 / 225
11) IsOs ................................52255 / 112
16) The Federation .............43003 / 122
24) m2kewl ..........................30632 / 56
27) Crazee ............................28642 / 96
32) LANMAN..........................26018 / 2
34) IJump .............................24435 / 0
37) Yield.................................23881 / 44
38) wirelessenabled ...........23814 / 57
44) Darth Polo ......................21668 / 314 :Q:Q
45) SoulAssassin ...............21049 / 24
47) EvilWobbles ..................20619 / 28
50) DroolMAN! ......................19802 / 14
63) Basilisk420 ....................14402 / 40
65) Baldy18 ...........................13802 / 22
68) Karsten ...........................13577 / 34
83) paf077 .............................11237 / 39
84) MoFunk ...........................11061 / 10
89) tuffguy ..............................10552 / 0
99) Old Geezer ......................9869 / 12
119)Slahr Dzhe .......................7510 / 0
138)teriba..................................6065 / 24
148)Dazmite ............................5753 / 3
160)Ishmael2k ........................5041 / 8
179)sukhoi ...............................4274 / 2
254)Spacehead ......................3023 / 15
278)Logix .................................2648 / 0
283)Starrider ............................2547 / 27
387)Actaeon .............................1743 / 0
403)SpookyFish ......................1660 / 0
468)Lithium381 .......................1353 / 0
542)JetsFanatic .......................1024 / 0
891)titanmiller ............................361 / 0
1834)Shimmishim ......................20 / 4
Milestones achieved on 1/30:
Pie Derro - 67000 (67099)
The Federation - TeAm Anandtech - 43000 (43003)
pazoo - 32000 (32074)
SETI@Geneva - 17000 (17046)
JimMc - 8000 (8006)
Chris S - 4000 (4010)
Spydweb - 4000 (4000)
shigum - 3000 (3003)
Pyrran - 3000 (3003)
Sato - Team Anandtech - 100 (100)
10 Most Recent Race Winners:
Team Funky Ray - 3000 WU Smoosh - 1/30/2003
crt1530 - 1000 WU Woad Wally - 1/30/2003
TheEvil1 - Bob The Wizard's Evil 1K Zip Zim Dash - 1/28/2003
Jatwell - 3000 WU Smoosh - 1/26/2003
BigWoofer - 3000 WU's or Bust, Baby! - 1/25/2003
Rebel Alliance - 3000 WU Smoosh - 1/25/2003
Maku - The Great 10K CountDown - 1/25/2003
Mucman - The Great 10K Countdown - 1/23/2003
Bad Bad Baldy18 - 1500 WU Smackdown - 1/21/2003
Electrode - Plain Old Race to Crunch 1500 WU's - 1/21/2003
The 3000 WU Smoosh is still the place where some hot and heavy action is on the table and every seat still has a butt in it. Now that Captain MoFunk and Rowdy Ray have cleared the track, Mighty Micron and Team Toft / Vold - DK are getting down to some serious racing business. No longer having to choke on the exhaust fumes from Captain MoFunk's psychadelic Funky Bus and the noxious gases escaping from Rowdy Ray's rear..., er, red Rascal Rider, the remaining pair on the track can get down to some serious racing action and getting down is exactly what Team Tofter / Volder is doing. Clean, fresh intake air does wonders for a racing rigs pure aspirated powerplant and the Great Danes have the pedal to the metal. Blasting away at wu's left and right with their double barrelled, triple action, particle blasting, forward facing wu cannon, Captain Toft and his stellar crew have navigated their fleet to within a single wu of Mighty Micron as the two combatants scream down the back stretch and throw their rigs into the final turn. It doesn't get much more exciting than this, folks!
It's tight all the way through the ranks in the Master Plaster WU Blaster to 1000 with DAPUNISHER punishing and completely tormenting workunits at a twenty-plus pace while Awesome Adul follows closely behind. Why Yes ys cruises in the three hole in the 1000 WU Packet Pounder Derby and has this race reporter thinking that he's saving up for a big purge to vault himself towards the front of the pack. Meanwhile, Powerful Pyxis pounds away at the rear of the pack, still only 61 wu's off the pace. Domination is living up to his name in Last One to 2000 is a WU Wimp! Dom is out to a 61 wu lead over Excellent Electrode and has dominated the competition since the starter's pistol went off and clipped his ear. Perhaps that's why he's running so fast?
the Wild and Wooly WU Whomper to 3500 is the scene of some tense action as Lanky Lane42 keeps filling his wu bladder, which must be very close to the point of bursting. Puttering along in last place, Lanky Lane looks to be very uncomfortable as his queue constipation worsens. Towards the front of the pack, Sizzlin' Soni and Makin Bacon Cakin are beatin' feet as fast as their rigs will carry them trying to clear the area before the impending fallout from lane's explosion reaches the front of the ranks.
Gotta run!
Advancements among racers on 1/30 include LiveLongAndProsper up 1 to 54, John Wulff up 1 to 107, Zim Hosein up 3 to 577, BobTheWizard up 4 to 588, Christof up 9 to 1437, Karsten up 1 to 68, teriba up 1 to 138, Starrider up 2 to 283, Lithium381 up 1 to 468, titanmiller up 1 to 891, Shimmishim up 54 to 1834.
God Bless America!
Race stats and race text generated by OD's automated SRL Stats-O-Matic version #1.3
Lame race commentary generated by the same goofball who always generates it.