SETI: My semi-retirement


Diamond Member
Feb 1, 2001
With great reluctance I have to announce my semi-retirement from SETI. I'm going to stop running it on any machine that I actively use for games/surfing/etc. This includes the machine below in my sig, a celery II/850 laptop, dual 933, p3/733 which all in all accounts for +-20w/u's a day which is a little less than half of my production. Basically I've just gotten frustrated with the performance hit related to Outlook offline folders (an unfortunate necessity) and reduced battery life on my laptop (running as a service makes it difficult to kill the processes when running on battery). I went 802.11b so I could move around the house w/out wires and having to drag the power cable with me wherever I go kills the point. I will continue to run it on all the machines I have which perform other functions or are in remote locations which still should account for a respectable amount. To anyone who is considering stopping/starting running SETI, please don't let this discourage you from running it. The program still provides a valuable service and will continue to grow into SETI2 ("Blame me if you must, but don't ever speak ill of the program. The program is rock solid. The program is sound!" /homer).

I will still be around in the forums on probably just as frequent a basis although I still lurk more than I post. I may decide to pick up another project on my main rig one of these days if I can prove it doesn't interfere in the slightest, I'm down to 256mb of RAM after some flakey MB problems and that hurts bad. :(


Elite Member
Nov 4, 1999
Sorry to hear that :( ,but glad you are still with us & still crunching:)

Btw if you don't run outlook all the time on those machines you could install SETIHide & have it pause SETI when outlook is on.


Golden Member
Feb 18, 2001
I have the same problem with my laptop from work. I have heard that upgrading to Outlook 2002 solves the problem, but I haven't been able to upgrade my software yet. I've been thinking about trying out Run-n-Hide, but haven't got around to trying that on my laptop either. That is part of the reason my production dropped.

However, I have spent money on a few more CPU's and MB's that will be coming in shortly to add to the Hatchery.


Oct 10, 1999
Sorry to hear of the reduction, but I understand.

We were running Outlook2002 and I still encountered the same problem with offline folders. :(

But give it a shot, maybe one of the Outlook updates fixed the issue.


Senior member
Mar 29, 2002
Did you burn up your crucial in the Tyan ? I fried some in mine. It definatly hurts, stuff is not cheap. Should have lasted forever.


Apr 23, 2000
Hmm.. I guess that's just a different way of looking at computers.. :confused:

For me - I do extensive testing to make sure that other software won't interfere with SETI - if the other software doesn't work correctly, I delete it! :Q ;)

Not much point of running a computer if SETI doesn't work correctly . :)