Grant cracked passed the 80000 wu marker.
rleach2 cracked passed the 52000 wu marker.
jw.middleton cracked passed the 40000 wu marker.
Kelemvor cracked passed the 36000 wu marker.
TeAm Smokeball cracked passed the 32000 wu marker.
4D Konsulenterne A/S cracked passed the 31000 wu marker.
Pie Derro cracked passed the 30000 wu marker.
bigwoofer cracked passed the 11000 wu marker.
Crazee cracked passed the 10000 wu marker.
Karsten cracked passed the 6000 wu marker. :Q
Maku cracked passed the 6000 wu marker. :Q
Sammael cracked passed the 3000 wu marker. :Q:Q:Q
TeAm * MoFunk cracked passed the 2500 wu marker. :Q:Q
michec cracked passed the 2500 wu marker. :Q:Q
teriba cracked passed the 2000 wu marker. :Q:Q
Strych9 cracked passed the 1500 wu marker. :Q
Lord Dredge (AthlonXP1800+(4h avg.)) cracked passed the 1000 wu marker. :Q
cosmo cracked passed the 1000 wu marker. :Q
CrimsonWolf cracked passed the 1000 wu marker. :Q
Grog cracked passed the 1000 wu marker. :Q
Ariel26 cracked passed the 1000 wu marker. :Q
dvdaction cracked passed the 500 wu marker.
blacksunshine cracked passed the 500 wu marker.
GOSHA cracked passed the 250 wu marker.
Phatty cracked passed the 250 wu marker.
Heifetz cracked passed the 100 wu marker.
JamesM3M5 cracked passed the 100 wu marker.
SenadStrawa cracked passed the 100 wu marker.
Cramand cracked passed the 100 wu marker.
= 100 wu's
= 250 wu's
= 500 wu's
:Q = 1,000 wu's
= 5,000 wu's