<Should I just STFU and just start a new thread specifically for Seti Driver ?>
Heck no, asking here is just fine. Please don't stop asking questions if you need help, ok?
If you are running SETI on a PC that isn't used for anything else, I would set the priority to normal, otherwise I leave it at the default so it doesn't cause problems with other applications.
If you have an always on connection, you can check the automatically transmit option to have SETIDRIVER transmit whenever it needs to. Otherwise, click on the TRANSMIT button in SETIDRIVER to transmit completed WUs and get fresh ones.
It is also recommended that you keep several days worth of WUs in SETI DRIVER, just in case there is a network problem, or the SETI servers are down.
If you are into statistics, and would like to compare yourself with other Team Anandtech members, you can use Orange Kid's SETIQ to fetch/flush WUs to.
In SETIDRIVER, under Proxy/Socks Server, set it to proxy server, then put "orangekid.teamanandtech.com" without the quotes in the host name field, and "5001" without the quotes in the port # field.
Be sure to click on the Save Config button when done.
Hope this helps!
For LOTS more information, please check out the
SETI Help Information