I wish I could spit out my numbers for you, but I remember testing my 12V line when I plugged my Seasonic S12 600W into my old Athlon 1400 system and I measured 11.98. Very good =)
The 5V rail was definitely very close also. Something like 5.01, 5.02.
It's been too many months since I built my system so I can't regurgitate the #s back to you unless I find the packet of notes I took.
NEVER rely on software. If you're worried about fluctuations, there will usually be some fluctuations when you OC/torture test. My 12V and 5V rails were stable but my 3.3V rail fluctuated a bit. THis is with a 600W PSU, 3700+, 7800GT (no SLI), so I'm sure that I have enough power, but when I moved my memory to the 5V rail (I have a DFI LP NF4 Ultra-D), the 5V rail would be the one fluctuating. Now the fluctuations aren't much, but its typical.
Don't worry about it.
You have a top-of-the-line PSU and none of those Fortrons or Antecs can even touch your PSU so you don't have to worry.