Well I've decided that I'll be building myself an nine MAME cabinet over the summer, controls, PC, monitor, all done and set.. no problem there... however I need to find an arcade cabinet (bare obviously)
But does anyone have any suggestions they would like to give as to where I could acquire, for reference, I'm located in Toronto, in the Great White North... but yeah, where should I go and check out for old arcade cabinets?
Flea markets?
There aren't many arcades around my area... so for those I'd have to look, but if anyone has any suggestions, let me know.
Well I've decided that I'll be building myself an nine MAME cabinet over the summer, controls, PC, monitor, all done and set.. no problem there... however I need to find an arcade cabinet (bare obviously)
But does anyone have any suggestions they would like to give as to where I could acquire, for reference, I'm located in Toronto, in the Great White North... but yeah, where should I go and check out for old arcade cabinets?
Flea markets?
There aren't many arcades around my area... so for those I'd have to look, but if anyone has any suggestions, let me know.