Out of 19 IDE drives on Seagates page, 16 are a multiple of 10, with 3 15GB drives thrown in which are all older generations. WD has 12 IDE drives in 3 lines right now, all multiples of 10. IBM's current 60GXP, 5 drives, all multiples of 10. The first 4 families of drives Maxtor lists contain 18 drives, only 2 not multiples of 10, and both from the oldest family of drives. Final count, 64 drives, only 5 not multiples of 10, and none of those 5 are current generation drives.
"their platter sizes range from 10, 15 to 20gb.."
There is no correlation between platter size and drive size in the IDE market any more. WD's most recent series has 27GB/platter and the family consists of 60GB and 80GB drives, obviously not a multiple. Maxtor's newest 5400RPM line has 30GB/platter with drives sizes of 80GB and 40GB.