Screw You Vegans! (I love Ireland...)

Brian Stirling

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2010
You gotta respect the owners sons choice to not play the PC public relations game and instead use a little satire to disarm the vegans. I'm not sure what the net effect will be but would not be surprised if business doesn't improve because of this. Would serve the vegans right...



Super Moderator
Jun 20, 2006
I like that he continues to egg them on while pointing out that their hate is actually helping his business


Elite Member
Nov 19, 2001
The fact that this was started because moronic vegans didn't understand the definition of idiosyncratic is hilarious. Reminds me of the uproar in the House of Representatives years ago when one of the members used the word niggardly, appropriately and without malice. The uproar from the left was both stunning and exacerbating.


Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2012


Belgian Waffler
Jan 2, 2001
The fact that this was started because moronic vegans didn't understand the definition of idiosyncratic is hilarious. Reminds me of the uproar in the House of Representatives years ago when one of the members used the word niggardly, appropriately and without malice. The uproar from the left was both stunning and exacerbating.

I thought the very same thing. I was full-on laughing by the time I got to "idiotic".


Jan 30, 2001
The fact that this was started because moronic vegans didn't understand the definition of idiosyncratic is hilarious. Reminds me of the uproar in the House of Representatives years ago when one of the members used the word niggardly, appropriately and without malice. The uproar from the left was both stunning and exacerbating.

That was the highly intelligent and efficient Washington DC government, not Congress involved the the niggardly flap.


Feb 2, 2005
This thread fills me with such joy. You never seem to hear the stories where the small business owner keeps hitting back until the whiners themselves are beaten into submission. The internet doesn't always win it seems.


Senior member
Jun 21, 2015
Scientific American: How Meat Contributes to Global Warming

PETA: Fight Climate Change by Going Vegan

No sympathy for climate change victims?


The facts have been distorted greatly by PETA but your quote from Scientific American is a more unbiased appraisal of meat's contribution to Climate Change. we lose site of the fact that all agriculture (includes meat production) in the world contributes only 9% of greenhouse gases.

Methane has a half life of 7 years and while it is around 100 times more worse per molecule than carbon dioxide, it a third as much per molecule as nitrous oxide; which has a half life of 50 days. Carbon dioxide has a half life of between as much as 100 or lower than 40 years depending on the expert quoted (So much for our climate change scientists). HFCs have a half life of 2 to 250 years depending on the compound. CFCs have a half life from 60 to 640 years depending on the compound. Water vapor should be of little concern except Gay-Lussac's Law.

Our earth in the current chaotic state appears self-compensating and every time methane has peaked in the current state; all greenhouse gas emissions have plummeted.

My contention is we don't know enough about climate change, we concentrate on greenhouse gases but as the link above suggest, there apparently are major mechanisms we aren't considering as man has only recently (last few hundred years) added our human induced fossil fuel use to the earth's mechanism. I content one of those mechanisms we don't include because we don't know enough is the influence of microorganisms;especially in our oceans. Yesterday (Oct 28) this interesting article promoting the interdisciplinary Unified Microbiome Initiative was published online.

Published Online October 28 2015
Science 30 October 2015:
Vol. 350 no. 6260 pp. 507-508
DOI: 10.1126/science.aac8480

One of the major points in the above publication is that the impacts of oceans and soil microbes on atmospheric CO2 are critical for understanding climate change. If you don't wish to read the whole article; one of the authors gave a good overall description at this link:

Perhaps we should understand why an earth fart of abiotic methane could kill the methane eating microorganisms in the arctic ocean and have more impact than all the cow pies, pig farts and all other agricultural practices. So apparently does a major volcanic eruption like Krakatoa.

Perhaps we should understand the implications of using methane hydrates as an fuel source and if methane hydrates constitute a short term renewable energy (reabsorbed by the same ocean we extract from in human-time frame) or a long term renewable energy like depleting all the oil and coal which we banked over billions of years. It took over 300 million years to bank some of the coal and oil during the Carboniferous-Early Permian, and consider with the Jurassic-Cretaceous and Cenozoic periods contributed the majority of our banked fossil fuels; besides accelerating plant growth, what will the addition of all that banked carbon do and if the earth is self correcting where will our earth stash the carbon when it plummets us into an ice age.

Perhaps we should seriously consider the alternative that the addition of human burned carbon in such a small time period could thrust us into a new chaotic climate where it really will be too hot for humans. Remember humans evolved in our current chaotic state.

These are just points to ponder; I haven't drawn a conclusion because I just program what the scientists tell me to program; seriously.


Super Moderator CPU Forum Mod and Elite Member
Super Moderator
Aug 22, 2001
This thread fills me with such joy. You never seem to hear the stories where the small business owner keeps hitting back until the whiners themselves are beaten into submission. The internet doesn't always win it seems.
The internet did win. The vegans were vastly outnumbered, is why their campaign crashed and burned.


Diamond Member
Dec 17, 2006