Originally posted by: PingSpike
I'm curious don_vito, do you think Bush's daytona 500 stunt would qualify as some one's training flight? Or that air craft carrier landing? Because those things looked like a complete waste of tax payer dollars to me.
As for the Daytona 500 appearance, the President is entitled (effectively required, in fact) to use Air Force One as his personal transport. I understand they orbited Air Force One over the race to allow the crowd to take a good look at it, but this presumably added only a tiny amount to the cost of the flight. The use of Air Force One and Marines One are a huge edge for an incumbent President running for re-election, and this is an inherent unfairness in the presidential election process. Frankly I think the NASCAR crowd were probably highly receptive to President Bush's appearance, though I imagine most of these people would have voted for him anyway. I doubt his pilots really needed that as any kind of training flight, since AF1 flies often enough that its pilots have no issue with logging enough hours (unlike the California Guardsmen who flew down to Brazil at Gov. Schwartzenegger's orders).
As for President Bush's flight onto the aircraft carrier, I think hindsight makes his "Mission Accomplished" proclamation look naive and arrogant (try telling the families of the hundreds of GIs killed since then that the mission was accomplished), but frankly I think it was a high-vis way of sending a positive message of support to the troops, and the actual cost was not much greater than any other carrier landing (it was presumably somewhat more costly in that it required a great deal of security, and the cost of President Bush's flight suit).
I know many liberal folks, in particular, may recoil at this kind of rah-rah boosterism, but I think at that moment in history this was a positive act by the President, and it genuinely boosted morale.