Looking for quick and dirty info. Nothing too detailed at this point
We have 2 buildings with direct line of site and about 700 feet/215 meters between them. We're looking into burying fiber between them, but the terrain between the two buildings has a 300 ft wide 40 ft deep "valley", and burying conduit and pulling fiber may prove to be very difficult/costly.
What kind of speeds do current enterprise-grade wireless bridges provide? Do these follow the same 802.11 standards (so we could expect .11n or maybe .11ac now or in the near future)?
One building has a Cisco 5500 Series WLAN Controller. The other building has nothing at the moment. But we would probably be looking at Cisco equipment.
Radios would need to be mounted outside (steel buildings, no windows).
The property abuts a (very, very) tiny airport. FAA regulations that might crush the option of wireless?
We have 2 buildings with direct line of site and about 700 feet/215 meters between them. We're looking into burying fiber between them, but the terrain between the two buildings has a 300 ft wide 40 ft deep "valley", and burying conduit and pulling fiber may prove to be very difficult/costly.
What kind of speeds do current enterprise-grade wireless bridges provide? Do these follow the same 802.11 standards (so we could expect .11n or maybe .11ac now or in the near future)?
One building has a Cisco 5500 Series WLAN Controller. The other building has nothing at the moment. But we would probably be looking at Cisco equipment.
Radios would need to be mounted outside (steel buildings, no windows).
The property abuts a (very, very) tiny airport. FAA regulations that might crush the option of wireless?