<< Man, it would be something else if they managed to hijack another few planes and target stadiums. Can you imagine a football game being plowed over with a 767? Holly cow, that would destroy the nation. Imagine seeing somewhere in the neighborhood of 80,000 people dying at a football game.
Good thing U of Tennessee is off this weekend. The second largest stadium in the country will be asleep this weekend. >>
Um, a little reality check here... a 767 could not take out an entire stadium. Although hitting a dome would increase the death toll a bit. But no where near even a 50% death rate. There's just too much area, and they can only hit once, on one side or the other. Hitting in the middle of an open air stadium would be useless, at most it would kill the players, those on the sidelines, and wound/kill those in the first few rows of seats. If it hits a side, only that quarter of the stadium would be affected.
The WTC tower attacks were so devastationg for two reasons: First, those above the impact site were trapped by the fire below. Secondly, the collapse killed most of the victims. A stadium will not trap unaffected people, they'll simply run out the other side, and a collapse will be localized, like the Pentagon. Unless, of course, they hit a dome. In that case the collapse of the roof will kill more. >>
BUT BUT BUT, bombs would effectively take out a stadium. My university is saying that they are upping security. Well when none exists then it isn't hard to up it. It would be far to easy to drive bombs like Oklahoma City bombing up to the stadium on both sides and take the entire thing down. I just hope my Unversity is seriously increasing it security so that cars are not allowed to drive near the stadium.
Jim >>
Think about this for a moment. The OK City Bomb was huge. It virtually filled a Rider truck. That truck was parked 8-10 feet from the building, and took out half the building. Had it been 20 feet back, it probably would have caused FAR less damage as it would not have broken the structural supports for the bottom floor, and caused the top floors to collapse. Remember, in both the WTC and OK City, the majority of the deaths were caused by the collapse, not the explosion itself.
How close can unsecured vehicles get to your stadium? You do realize that even if they COULD get within 10 feel of the stadium, the bomb would only cause the collpase of the stadium in that immediate area where it compromised the structural integrity of the lower supports. Two OK City bombs on opposite sides of a large circular stadium would, at most, cause the collapse of about 25% of the stadium (considering the pie shaped area taken out of the OK City building).
But ANYHOW, I know of very few stadiums in which an unsecured vehicle can get closer than 20 feet to the building. Much less both sides.