Samsung F4


Senior member
Mar 3, 2005
Are the Samsung F4 2TB still the rocking drive it was 2 yesrs ago??? Same platters, throughput, quality??? Newegg has them for a decent price considering todays prices, and I would like to get more for another backup server build if they are still a good drive.

My current F4's are 2+yrs old and still humming along 7 months after a lightening strike took out my circa 2006 Antec Smartpower 500w PSU.


Diamond Member
Mar 15, 2007
The F4's were the low power low spindle drives no? It was always the F3's that were the stellar disks I thought. Regardless hard drives haven't moved on much, still slow and big. A VelociRaptor 1TB is a bit better but really its all about SSDs now.


Golden Member
Nov 8, 2009
the F4 is still a very popular drive. I have 4 of them sitting in a RAID 5 array for over 2 years myself.


Senior member
Mar 3, 2005
Yes, the F4 was the low rpm drive. I seem to remember the platter density made them fast just about the time WD decided to put some limitation on their own consumer part making them non recoverable in a raid error. The F4 came in at just the right time for me. I want to say the F4 hit high 80 mbps transfer rate which degraded to 70ish once the drive filled up.

I remember reading a post a year or so back about one of the 2tb drives had the guts replaced and was much lower performance. I just want to make sure the current F4 are drop in compatible withh my current drives if need be, and that the newly produced drives are still good for what they are.

Sorry if this sounds weird, I hate auto correct on my phone...
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