Samsung 970P stand


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2000
Quick question regarding the triple hinged monitor stand for those of you out there with a 970P:

Does anyone else have a problem raising the height of the screen itself beyond maybe 2 or so inches off your desk (about 1 inch above the top of the base of the monitor)? Whenever I try to do so, the screen just sinks back down to that level under its own weight.

I contacted samsung regarding the issue, and received what looks to be an automated response saying that they're sending out a refurbished replacement. However, if there's an easy workaround, I'd much rather go for my current monitor has no dead pixels, and I'd hate to receive a new one that isn't so fortunate.

Thanks in advance for the comments.


Jan 6, 2006
Hi, I was just about to post the same topic before i found this. I bought this monitor back in February, and since then I've noticed the screen gradually sinking under its own weight. It would appear the "upper" hinge isn't strong enough to support the screen, but the lower hinge is working fine. Is there anything one can buy to strengthen the hinge? And what did you guys do? I suspect that a refurbished replacement would suffer the same problem over time, so I'm not sure that that would help.


Senior member
Oct 27, 2000
I've been meaning to call Samsung about this and see if it can be adjusted without replacing the screen. I don't want to lose my screen in a swap as it is otherwise perfect. But I haven't remembered to call during business hours.



Senior member
Oct 27, 2000
I finally called Samsung today. The only option given was to replace the monitor with a factory refurb unit (since my monitor is over 90 days old). Not attractive to me. They said they have no known issues with the stand sagging. I volunteered to point them to this thread. ;-)

Edit: I don't understand why the search function wouldn't turn up this thread wearching on 970P. Any ideas?



Diamond Member
Feb 18, 2001
"They said they have no known issues with the stand sagging."

Those lying SOBs. They know that every darn one of the stands has a problem. I'm going to sell my useless 970p on ebay.


Jan 6, 2006
A refurb unit doesnt sound too attractive to me either. Guess I'll stick with it for now, and experiment with it in the future.


Junior Member
Sep 9, 2006
I have exactly the same problem...screen slowly sank to rest at the bottom of the stand and wont rise again. Samsung really ought to have tested this before production (mine is only 6 months old).

When the 970P first came out I did see someone on a forum ask if the hinges were strong enough to hold the screen over time....well now we know.

I can only suggest an object is placed to wedge the screen up into position - not ideal but given Samsung's uncaring, unhelpful position we have to help each. Any better ideas are welcome.


Sep 1, 2004
Count me in. My stand started sagging months back, and now it can hardly be raised at all. I too have no dead pixels and am happy with the monitor outside of this nonsense.

I pulled the plastic off the top part of the hinge to expose the springs... I don't know how hard (or cheap) it would be to get a custom spring or add some sort of strengthening measure to it, but if Samsung gives me the run around I may try to fix it myself.

Has anyone else resolved this in a satisfactory way?

Edit: Just spoke with Samsung on the phone (800 Samsung) and after speaking with a nice lady and holding FOREVER they're sending me a part which should arrive in 7-10 business days. What part you ask? I have no idea. I'm very curious to find out though and I'll let you know how it goes.

The one thing I made sure of was that they've acknolwedged this problem. The lady said they are aware of it, so perhaps you guys can get some Samsung love now. I just hope whatever they sent me is a permanent fix and not another crappy spring! We'll see!

Edit2: Still waiting on the part. 7-10 business days... (written Sept. 30th)


Jan 6, 2006
pwrstick, do you have an update on that part they are sending you? I sent an email to samsung but not reply, and i really dont like ringing big organisations as they always put you on hold which would cost me A LOT of money. So I'll only ring them if that part you are receiving is a huge improvement, otherwise i'll just stick with my hairgel tubs to hold my screen up :)


Sep 1, 2004
Argh, so here's a quick update. Part still hasn't arrived. This has been more than 10 business days so I guess I get to get on the horn and see what's up... fooey.


Sep 1, 2004
OK so the 'part' arrived! Sorry it's taken this long to update -- it was delivered to an address I haven't been to in a while.

Anyway, the new 'part' is a whole new stand! You gotta take the panel off and install the stand which is really easy to do. A total of 5 screws are involved.

So I'm not convinced they've solved anything but I did notice the new stand is taller than the older one. Check out the pics if you'd like. Note that the old stand is in front and the new stand is in the back (so you could see both at the same time).

Another thought: it may be worth getting a new stand to have as a spare in case the cable is damaged!


Nov 28, 2001
Originally posted by: speedlever

Edit: I don't understand why the search function wouldn't turn up this thread wearching on 970P. Any ideas?

People compalain about reposts etc. The truth is that the search function is broken here and rarely does it come up with what you are looking for.


Junior Member
Dec 27, 2006
hey all

i have 2 samsung 970P monitors bought about 8 months ago. the hinges are all goofed up and i have resorted to putting decks of magic cards under them to hold them up.

after finding this thread i had hope that i too could get new stands. i jotted down my serial numbers and called up samsung. i was on the phone a total of 10 minutes (including hold time) and 2 new stands are being sent to me. i did not have to hassle with the dood or anything.

after it was all said and done i asked the guy on the phone if the stands were the same or if they were somehow upgraded. he did not know the answer. i also asked about how prevelant this problem was and he said he did not know.

it is frustrating that these monitor have such a bad flaw because they are great looking.

any bets on when these new stands will give out?


Senior member
Oct 27, 2000
I'd lost track of this thread. Thanks for the follow-up guys. Looks like I need to call Samsung again.



Senior member
Oct 27, 2000
I called Samsung today and they said the stand cannot be replaced. Go figure.

So they are sending me another monitor for exchange. I told them I would have to check the replacement monitor for bad pixels before I was willing to return my good one (with bad stand).

I wish Samsung could get their act together on stands... and on their response to this problem.



Junior Member
Dec 27, 2006
they really said that?! man they are so stupid.

just a question....did you tell the service rep all you wanted was a new stand?

the guy i got on the phone told me it would be no problem to change just the stand and sent 2 out to my place. (well, they are not here yet)

when i asked if the stands have changed to prevent this problem he said he didnt know, but if they gave out again just call and he would send out more stands. he left me with the impression they were giving them out freely!

heh....when the new monitor arrives just switch out the stands and send their monitor back to them. one of the guys in a previous post said it is just 5 screws.

i mean you have a monitor that works and that you feel comfortable with. there is no need for a new monitor.


Senior member
Oct 27, 2000
Rather frustrating. The rep I had freely mentioned that due to the holidays, they were short-staffed and he was over from the printer dept helping out. Still, he talked to some higher-up and relayed the info to me.

I offered to send the link to this discussion to them for reference. No joy.

I was told that it would destroy the monitor to replace the stand. sheesh.

My 970P does not have any screws showing in the back... so I don't really know how it would connect or be easily replaced.

Can you post the instructions you received that shows how this is done?



Junior Member
Dec 27, 2006
i got the whole 5 screws thing from pwrstick's post.

it will prolly be another week until the new stands arive. when they do i will let u know what kinds of hoops i have to jump thru to change them out.


Junior Member
Nov 24, 2006
Can you provide any part numbers for the new stand you received? I'd like to have that in hand when I call Samsung, just as additional ammunition in case I get the "Don't know nothin' about a stand problem" response.


Junior Member
Dec 27, 2006
ya, i can do that

i am still waiting on the stands....was just thinking about it on the way in to work this morning. i hope they get here soon....should be any day now.


Junior Member
Dec 27, 2006
ok, well i got one of the 2 stands that were supposed to be sent.

it went on pretty easily....took me about 30 min, but i think i can do the second one (when it gets here) in about 10. there are just 4 screws then switch out the stands.

as far as part numbers....i dont know.....i forgot i was supposed to look for some. i already threw away the packaging the new stand came in. i will look at the new stand when i get home and see if it sheds any light on this subject.

if all else fails i am supposed to be getting another stand from samsung....i should call them up has not arrived and it is definately past the 10 days they estimated it would take to get to me.


Senior member
Oct 27, 2000
Well they reneged on my new monitor and are now insisting on faxing my sales receipt in before being willing to ship me a new monitor. Sure wish I could get them to just send a stand.