DOn't worry, WIndows doesn't dial the second modem only when you need bandwidth. It dials the first modema and connects, and right after the first one connects, the second one dials and connects. To do this, simply install your second modem in your computer and create a dial up connection to make sure that it all works good with the second modem alone. After that, delete the connection you made to test the second modem and go into the properties for you main dial-up connection (in dial up networking) and then click the "multilink" tab up at the top, and add your other modem. You are done. Now, You can't just use one to download and one to surf with. Windows will combine the bandwidth of the modems. Try it and you will be addicted to it, lol. Before I could get DSL I had this set up with 3 phone lines and I got almost as good upload speeds then As I do now. But not near the download speed though, lol, I have 1.5 meg per second and it usually runs at about 2 meg per second.
Have you heard of Starband?? It is 2 way satalite internet access WIll dsl speeds. There is also diretpc but they use a phone line for all your outgoing data. I just downloads from the satalite at around 500k + per second.
After you get those modems hooked up, email me and I'll give you some tips on tuning them to get some killer speeds. You will get faster speeds in 2kpro probably as It is set up for tcp/ip a little better than ME.
Hope this helps