Let me explain it. Dual channel mainboards for Athlon XPs have 3 slots for memory. 2 of the slots are one channel, and the other slot is the other channel. If you have 512MB in channel 1, and 512MB in channel 2, you will get 1GB of dual channel. If you have 512MB in first slot, and 512MB in second slot, and 512MB in the last slot, you have 1GB in one channel, and 512MB in the other channel. You can only run dual channel speeds with the lowest amout of ram in each slot. Since each channel has at least 512MB, it would run 1GB of your memory at dual channel, and if a program got to the last 512MB stick, it would revert to single channel.
If you put 256MB in a slot on channel one, and another 256MB in a slot on channel one, and then a 512MB in channel 2, you would get perfect dual channel because both channels have 512MB of memory. If you put 512MB in channel 1, 256MB in channel 1, and 256MB in channel 2, you would get 512MB of dual channel, and the last 512MB would not be.
Bottom line: It doesnt matter how many dimms you have or their sizes. Just make sure the AMOUNT of ram in each channel is equal.
Note: Not all Athlon XP boards have the slots in a channel 1, channel 1, channel 2 order. Make sure you know for sure which dimm slots are for what channel.