Rubio asks DOJ to determine if Kerry violated federal laws meeting with Iranian officials


Senior member
Sep 13, 2011
What is John Kerry’s motive to still goto Iran to speak to their government when he is no longer Sec of State? Is he somehow motivated by monetary incentives or other personal gains? Is he doing this because he feels wronged by Trump’s withdrawal from the Iran deal that he helped secure? Why would he take the risk of potentially violating federal law just to chat with “friends” he made in Iran?


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
I doubt there are Monetary/Personal gains. Probably just about the Nuclear agreement. I also doubt he broke any law in the process.


Aug 5, 2000
Whatever it takes to get the hounds distracted off the trail of dump-lings Trump is leaving behind him is a good thing?

The fact that FOX has to drag its viewers back to the good 'ol days when all they had to do was lie, bitch, moan, rumor monger, complain and obstruct obstruct obstruct rather than actually participate in real governing is quite telling of what a really sad state of affairs the party now finds itself in.

As to the OP, this all smells of FOX being up to its old tried and true ploys giving its viewers something other than exposing the real and awful mess that Trump and the party is causing itself.

There may or may not be substance as to the allegations that FOX is reporting about Kerry, but that's not at all why they're coming out with stuff like this at this time.

This is Trump's fifteen minutes of fame and we all should be paying as much attention to him as possible because he is behaving like a crook on the run rather than an innocent man freely assisting Mueller to help clear him of any wrongdoing.

As an aside, when talking to friends who are Trump supporters, the sense I get is that they are sticking with him no matter what happens and that they are heavily relying on rationalizing their way through every damaging occurrence and revelation that hits the Trump admin. and clan.
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Nov 4, 2004
Sure, have at it DoJ. anything to get another headline on Fox News to keep attention away from the current state of affairs.

LoL at the OP's sudden deep concern about Iran.
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Jun 4, 2004
Isn't he a private citizen?

He's a democrat, so guilty until proven guilty...of stuff.

He was a presidential candidate. So if he wants to go to Iran and talk about adoptions whose going to complain?
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Forum Director & Omnipotent Overlord
Forum Director
Oct 9, 1999
What is John Kerry’s motive to still goto Iran to speak to their government when he is no longer Sec of State? Is he somehow motivated by monetary incentives or other personal gains? Is he doing this because he feels wronged by Trump’s withdrawal from the Iran deal that he helped secure? Why would he take the risk of potentially violating federal law just to chat with “friends” he made in Iran?
It is incredibly ignorant and naieve people like you who have made Trump, and all the Trump enablers, possible. Your abject ignorance, which prompts your willingness to front arrant bullshit like this, offends me to the core.

I have to live in the same country with people like you. It is my cross to bear. Other well meaning liberals tell me I need to reach out and attempt to have some sort of productive dialog with ignoramuses like you. This makes me weary, so I'm just going to point at your steaming pile of ignorant dog shit and call it for what it is . . . a steaming pile of dog shit.
Feb 4, 2009
It is incredibly ignorant and naieve people like you who have made Trump, and all the Trump enablers, possible. Your abject ignorance, which prompts your willingness to front arrant bullshit like this, offends me to the core.

I have to live in the same country with people like you. It is my cross to bear. Other well meaning liberals tell me I need to reach out and attempt to have some sort of productive dialog with ignoramuses like you. This makes me weary, so I'm just going to point at your steaming pile of ignorant dog shit and call it for what it is . . . a steaming pile of dog shit.

So true, I’m still waiting for Hillary to be locked up. I still see all the horrible crimes she is still committing to this day. I keep asking my conservative friends and members of this forum.
When will Hillary be charged and locked up. Their guys control every lever of Justice are they completely incompetent or is Hillary innocent?
Can’t be both it’s one or the other.

I’m still waiting for an answer

I’m all for bringing Kerry to trial if it needs to be done, honestly guys charge him I want to clear the air


Diamond Member
Sep 26, 2011
Mike Pompeo unloaded Friday on his Obama-era predecessor John Kerry for "actively undermining" U.S. policy on Iran by meeting several times recently with the Iranian foreign minister, who was his main interlocutor in the Iran nuclear deal negotiations.

The problem with this is that is a lie.

The Iran deal was official US policy at the time
allegedely, an ex-US official spoke with an Iranian official to talk about an agreement they both originally worked on. That agreement was official, legally binding policy signed by both the US and Iran.
He is accused of recommending to a foreign nation to honor a deal signed with a United States.

He is being accused of undermining the President ability to shit word farts on a whim.

I remember when Rubio acted in a manner to undermine the president.

Kerry's response
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Diamond Member
Jan 3, 2001
If they would have just sent Dennis Rodman instead of John Kerry we could have avoided all this controversy.
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Jul 17, 2003

These are the guys who conspired with Israel to address Congress without Obama on the Iranian deal.

It's like they're addicted to being shameless hypocrites. How dare Feinstein withhold relevant info on a nominee! You can only do that with years of records from working in the Cheney admin.


May 15, 2000
Pompeo is simply another partisan hack and just another yes man in what will go down as the worst administration for the worst president in history.


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
What is John Kerry’s motive to still goto Iran to speak to their government when he is no longer Sec of State? Is he somehow motivated by monetary incentives or other personal gains? Is he doing this because he feels wronged by Trump’s withdrawal from the Iran deal that he helped secure? Why would he take the risk of potentially violating federal law just to chat with “friends” he made in Iran?

He may have broken law in doing so, of that I'm not sure. But why have you theorized personnel gain or ego injury as motives for his visit? He went to try and keep the Iran nuclear deal from crumbling in the wake of Trump's threats and actions to pull out. The US was one of many signatories, so our withdrawal wouldn't necessarily mean starting over. Why would he do that? Perhaps because he cares about US interests and stability of the world.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Is Rubio attempting to get even more members of the Trump administration sent to prison? If what Kerry did violates the Logan Act (an unenforceable last anyway) then a large number of actions by the Trump campaign did as well. Oops!


Diamond Member
Feb 20, 2002
He may have broken law in doing so, of that I'm not sure. But why have you theorized personnel gain or ego injury as motives for his visit? He went to try and keep the Iran nuclear deal from crumbling in the wake of Trump's threats and actions to pull out. The US was one of many signatories, so our withdrawal wouldn't necessarily mean starting over. Why would he do that? Perhaps because he cares about US interests and stability of the world.