Router setup: Want to see all PCs on network from main PC, but block access to main PC from others


Jan 16, 2001
Ha! I think I made my point understood in the subject box, but for clarification purposes, I'll restate.

I have a small network (3 PCs) at home, connected to a Netgear Gateway/Router. It all works fine and dandy. File transfers/LAN gaming, it's all good.

What I want to do is this:

I want to be able to see the other two boxes from my main PC, but block access to the main PC from the other boxes. Is that possible? How do I do this? Filters, right? I'm not real smart on this...(can'ya tell?)

I'm going to take one of the PCs and put an FTP server on it and I don't want anyone "out there" nosing backwards thru the network and messing up my main PC.

Any assistance is greatly appreciated.


Junior Member
May 5, 2002
Disable sharing on your main PC and make sure that any shared resources on your other machines are protected by a good password.
For some added security, you could install firewall software such as ZoneAlarm,
free BTW, and will alow your FTP server to run. Along with the router, it should provide your LAN with decent security.


Junior Member
May 1, 2002
Also if you want to have shares on ur main pc u can just make them hidden, so only you know about them. To hide a share simply include a "$" at the end of the share name. for example you have a share called music, to hide it simply name it "music$". that way when people browse the network for shares yours wont show up. hope this also helps.