Ron Paul Strategy is Authentic Republicanism

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Golden Member
Oct 16, 2006

TAMPA, March 19, 2012—Give yourself a test. Without doing a web search or whipping out that pocket U.S. Constitution that a wild-eyed Tea Partier handed you, fill in the blank in the following sentence: The U.S. Constitution guarantees to every state in the union a _____form of government.

If you are like ninety percent of the American electorate, you answered “democratic” and you were wrong. The answer is “a republican form of government.” There is a drastic difference between the two and one would think that the Republican Party would know it. Instead, they are identical to their rivals in not only ignoring the distinction but promoting democracy instead.

In a democracy, the will of the majority is the law. Fifty-one percent of the vote empowers the winners to exercise any power they wish. Not so in a republic. The reason the founders constructed a constitutional republic was to protect Americans from democracy.
That may sound like sacrilege to most 21st century Americans, but it’s true. James Madison called democracy “the most vile form of government.” Thomas Jefferson said that when majorities oppress an individual they “break up the foundations of society.” Benjamin Franklin mused that democracy was like “two wolves and a sheep voting on what’s for dinner.”

Ron Paul’s presidential campaign strategy is rooted in republicanism. He has deliberately focused his efforts on the states that hold caucuses instead of primaries because caucuses do not let the majority rule unchecked. Instead of merely pulling a few levers behind a curtain, caucus participants must complete a multi-tiered process that occurs for months after the popular vote before being chosen for the national convention. Who can doubt that these delegates are more informed than the typical primary voter? The essence of republicanism is for reason to triumph over the transient passion of the majority
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Nemesis 1

Dec 30, 2006
Your a dreamer . I seen how it works first hand on the 17th . We were given a balllot with 12 names on it . That the Chairman and other GOP members caucused on the 12th . Just a normal GOP meeting that turned out to be the only caucus that counted. They also made rule changes that can only be enacted threw delegate votes befor the caucus on the 17th . Do your best to cover the truth but the GOP is a fraud and treasonious.


Apr 10, 2000
I wonder how much factuality can be found in an article written by a man who couldn't take the 15 seconds it took me to find out that the listed Ben Franklin quote is fake and appears to have actually originated in an LA Times article in 1992.

Nemesis 1

Dec 30, 2006
I wonder how much factuality can be found in an article written by a man who couldn't take the 15 seconds it took me to find out that the listed Ben Franklin quote is fake and appears to have actually originated in an LA Times article in 1992.

OK you got me . What quote are we talking about . OT.


Senior member
Feb 24, 2011
I wonder how much factuality can be found in an article written by a man who couldn't take the 15 seconds it took me to find out that the listed Ben Franklin quote is fake and appears to have actually originated in an LA Times article in 1992.

Apparently it's a pretty widespread misconception. Regardless, the phrase is still appropriate, and after my own research, there are many speculations that Franklin actually did say something along those lines, though in different wording more appropriate for the time period. Still, doesn't matter and you're attacks show clear bias.

edit: After reading your signature I think it's pretty obvious why you clicked on a Ron Paul thread.
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Senior member
Feb 24, 2011
RP couldn't win the election if he was the only living candidate. ;)

Yeah, like I said in another thread, this country has too many idiots. How else can you explain Santorums results?

Just makes the founding fathers assumptions seem that much more applicable to modern times.

I see all the things that the majority make popular, in music, television, politics and books, and I cringe at the thought that this majority is the same ones who have all the weight in our democratic political process.


Golden Member
Oct 16, 2006
Your a dreamer . I seen how it works first hand on the 17th . We were given a balllot with 12 names on it . That the Chairman and other GOP members caucused on the 12th . Just a normal GOP meeting that turned out to be the only caucus that counted. They also made rule changes that can only be enacted threw delegate votes befor the caucus on the 17th . Do your best to cover the truth but the GOP is a fraud and treasonious.

I assume that you've learned the Robert's Rules of Order. Ron Paul's delegates have been learning them insided and out, studying and orginzing since 2008. Barrack Obama's ground game pales in comparison to what Paul's delegates and orginizers have been planning and implimenting. If it's a violation of the rules, make a point of order and state your case. If you point of order or statement of division or whatever rule that is currently binding is being ignored or violated, then document the procedure. There are thousands of youtube videos circulating that do just that. Any and all violations are being scrutinized by the Paul campaign and the grass roots community, and many media outlets(other than the lame stream media) are becoming more and more involved. Stay tuned to Ben Swann's Reality Check for more revealing and shocking evidence of how the GOP is completely undermining and defrauding the electoral process.
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Nemesis 1

Dec 30, 2006
I assume that you've learned the Robert's Rules of Order. Ron Paul's delegates have been learning them insided and out, studying and orginzing since 2008. Barrack Obama's ground game pales in comparison to what Paul's delegates and orginizers have been planning and implimenting. If it's a violation of the rules, make a point of order and state your case. If you point of order or statement of division or whatever rule that is currently binding is being ignored or violated, then document the procedure. There are thousands of youtube videos circulating that do just that. Any and all violations are being scrutinized by the Paul campaign and the grass roots community, and many media outlets(other than the lame stream media) are becoming more and more involved. Stay tuned to Ben Swann's Reality Check for more revealing and shocking evidence of how the GOP is completely undermining and defrauding the electoral process.

I did make a motion to amend the committes selection of the ballot prepicks . The Ya and nays were even . I called for a hand vote it was seconded but the secretary Screamed that the motion was not carried and thats was the end of it.


Golden Member
Oct 20, 2004
so the new rationlization of "we aren't getting enough votes" is "well, we are actually getting votes the right way!"? Fascinating....


Golden Member
Oct 16, 2006
I did make a motion to amend the committes selection of the ballot prepicks . The Ya and nays were even . I called for a hand vote it was seconded but the secretary Screamed that the motion was not carried and thats was the end of it.

Report it. It will add to the growing list of violations perpetrated by the GOP. This won't be another 2008 where millions were disenfranchised. The only reason the main stream media and establishment can say that Ron Paul is 'unelectable' is because they are doing everything in their power, illegal or not, to make it seem that way. BTW, he's a 12 term congressman so those aspersions of 'unelectability' doesn't seem to fit very well.


Senior member
Mar 30, 2010
I love how the Paulies expect people to flock to their effervescent intellect by calling them idiots.


Golden Member
Oct 16, 2006
I love how the establisment expect people to flock to their effervescent intellect by calling them Paulies. Pretty broad stroke of the brush there. Most people call that a generalization.
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