RNC chairman unveils new plan to bring the GOP's message to the (sub) urban minorities/hip hop afficionadoes


Nov 20, 1999

RNC chair plans 'off the hook' campaign, tells critics to ?stuff it?
Posted: 01:16 PM ET

(CNN) ? Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele says his party is going to launch an "off the hook" public relations campaign that will update the GOP?s image by translating it to "urban-suburban hip-hop settings."

The new GOP leader told the Washington Times that the party?s defeat in states such as North Carolina and Virginia made it clear they needed a new approach.

?We need messengers to really capture that region ? young, Hispanic, black, a cross section?? he said in an interview published Thursday. ?We want to convey that the modern-day GOP looks like the conservative party that stands on principles. But we want to apply them to urban-surburban hip-hop settings.?

He added, jokingly, that ?we need to uptick our image with everyone, including one-armed midgets.?

Steele described the new multi-platform PR offensive as ?avant-garde, technically. It will come to [the] table with things that will surprise everyone ? off the hook.? Asked whether that meant cutting-edge tactics, Steele demurred. ?I don't do 'cutting-edge,?? he said. ?That's what Democrats are doing. We're going beyond cutting-edge.?

Steele, who began a massive personnel overhaul at the RNC shortly after his election, said he has started meeting weekly with congressional Republicans. He said he?ll be gathering input from House and Senate leaders, not giving instructions ? but he criticized national Republican leadership?s focus on party unity as a top priority, saying the failure to devote itself instead to developing fresh faces had cost the GOP.

?We missed the mark in the past, which is why we are in the crapper now,? he said. ?We had the White House, the Senate and the House and were not building a farm team over the last years. We could have been ahead of Democrats and their 50-state strategy.?

Steele dismissed the assessments of some Republicans that he needs a deputy to handle areas like logistics, fundraising and candidate recruitment. ?I can run this organization just fine,? he said. ?There will be no deputy chairman, period. ?People who said I can't make the trains run on time never gave a reason. I say to them, 'Stuff it.'

?I am not afraid of being held accountable for my leadership,? he said. ?The idea I am somehow going to handicap myself before I begin is nuts. I am not going to buy into this mind-set among a few people who probably have never run anything but their mouths.?

Steele defeated a crowded field last month, including sitting RNC chairman Mike Duncan, to claim the party?s top spot.

ARE YOU DOWN WITH THE G-O-P?!?!? *Flips baseball cap backwards, crosses arms, and throws up gang signs* YEAAAAHHHHHH BOOOOOOOOYYYYYYYYYYYY!

Seriously, this reads like a really bad Onion article. I can see it now, the GOP has a campaign ad featuring 50 cent's music, turning off the southern white voters while getting laughed at by the urban/suburban voters. I'm beginning to think Steele was voted in as RNC chair because he'd be the black counter to Obama and he doesn't actually have any serious ideas about getting the GOP back on track.

here's an idea: instead of trying to fool people into voting for you by trying to appear, young and hip, maybe you should address the problems that people have in those urban areas you're trying to get votes from? (i know, i know, it's a crazy idea)


Jul 1, 2004
Republicans. Always trying to sell bad ideas instead of actually having good ones that sell themselves.

Deleted member 4644


"we need to uptick our image with everyone, including one-armed midgets"


Jul 12, 2000
This is going to work for shiz, yo.

It is sad that they need to dumb down a message to get it across to the (D) base. Fo' realz dawg.


Senior member
Aug 21, 2007
Originally posted by: Phokus
here's an idea: instead of trying to fool people into voting for you by trying to appear, young and hip, maybe you should address the problems that people have in those urban areas you're trying to get votes from? (i know, i know, it's a crazy idea)

Or they could just play the victim, racism, not-your-fault card... seems to get the Dems plenty of minority/urban votes.


No Lifer
Sep 29, 2000
Nothing embarrassing like a group of old people trying to grab youngsters and sounding sooooooo lame while they do it.


Diamond Member
Jun 22, 2003
Originally posted by: Ocguy31
This is going to work for shiz, yo.

It is sad that they need to dumb down a message to get it across to the (D) base. Fo' realz dawg.

They just want to try something different. However, anyone with common sense would realize that even dumbing down ideas won't work for ideas that are pretty dumb to begin with. Paying lipservice to another party's base is too transparent, and they won't fall for it. The Republican party needs NEW ideas, not the same polished turds they have been running on as of late.


Sep 5, 2000
Man all of you crazy repub hacks must HATE this lol. Don't register it. Just ignore what your party does and vote right down the line. lol.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Originally posted by: Ocguy31
This is going to work for shiz, yo.

It is sad that they need to dumb down a message to get it across to the (D) base. Fo' realz dawg.

My favorite part: The fact that they think they need to dumb down their message to get it to the Democrats' base is EXACTLY the reason why the Republican party is currently in such deep shit.


Elite Member
Nov 19, 2001
Originally posted by: Deleted member 4644

"we need to uptick our image with everyone, including one-armed midgets"

lol, yeah at least we'll have the one-armed midget vote.


Jul 12, 2000
Originally posted by: eskimospy
Originally posted by: Ocguy31
This is going to work for shiz, yo.

It is sad that they need to dumb down a message to get it across to the (D) base. Fo' realz dawg.

My favorite part: The fact that they think they need to dumb down their message to get it to the Democrats' base is EXACTLY the reason why the Republican party is currently in such deep shit.

Well somehow Obama got members of their base to think he would pay their mortgage, gas, and help them with a repossesed vehicle. I think the (R)s need to take a few pointers.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Originally posted by: Ocguy31
Originally posted by: eskimospy
Originally posted by: Ocguy31
This is going to work for shiz, yo.

It is sad that they need to dumb down a message to get it across to the (D) base. Fo' realz dawg.

My favorite part: The fact that they think they need to dumb down their message to get it to the Democrats' base is EXACTLY the reason why the Republican party is currently in such deep shit.

Well somehow Obama got members of their base to think he would pay their mortgage, gas, and help them with a repossesed vehicle. I think the (R)s need to take a few pointers.

And the Republicans convinced members of their base that Obama was a Kenyan born terrorist/communist. Seems like they have the whole 'convincing stupid people to believe dumb things' down just fine.

By all means continue thinking that the message needs to be 'dumbed down' in order to appeal to people though, tell me how that works out.


Jul 12, 2000
Originally posted by: eskimospy
Originally posted by: Ocguy31
Originally posted by: eskimospy
Originally posted by: Ocguy31
This is going to work for shiz, yo.

It is sad that they need to dumb down a message to get it across to the (D) base. Fo' realz dawg.

My favorite part: The fact that they think they need to dumb down their message to get it to the Democrats' base is EXACTLY the reason why the Republican party is currently in such deep shit.

Well somehow Obama got members of their base to think he would pay their mortgage, gas, and help them with a repossesed vehicle. I think the (R)s need to take a few pointers.

And the Republicans convinced members of their base that Obama was a Kenyan born terrorist/communist. Seems like they have the whole 'convincing stupid people to believe dumb things' down just fine.

By all means continue thinking that the message needs to be 'dumbed down' in order to appeal to people though, tell me how that works out.

We will see how 2010 and 2012 go for congress. Dems are already getting more negative press than they have in the last 4 years.

The pendulum swingeth.
Feb 6, 2007
Originally posted by: Deleted member 4644

"we need to uptick our image with everyone, including one-armed midgets"

Is the one-armed midget a reference to some urban culture thing that I don't get, or is Michael Steele the new lord of the non-sequitur? I mean, holy hell, where the hell did that come from?

"RNC unveils new plan to amputate Verne Troyer's arm."


Moderator in SFF, Notebooks, Pre-Built/Barebones
Aug 23, 2003
Originally posted by: Ocguy31
We will see how 2010 and 2012 go for congress. Dems are already getting more negative press than they have in the last 4 years.

The pendulum swingeth.
Wishful thinking. The GOP brand is on life support. They'll get out-worked, out-spent, and out-classed by the Democrat's superior ground game.

Congressional elections are more about local politics anyway. And if anything, polls have shown more Republican districts turning Democrat than vice versa in the past two Congressional elections.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Originally posted by: Ocguy31
Originally posted by: eskimospy

And the Republicans convinced members of their base that Obama was a Kenyan born terrorist/communist. Seems like they have the whole 'convincing stupid people to believe dumb things' down just fine.

By all means continue thinking that the message needs to be 'dumbed down' in order to appeal to people though, tell me how that works out.

We will see how 2010 and 2012 go for congress. Dems are already getting more negative press than they have in the last 4 years.

The pendulum swingeth.

The president's party nearly always loses seats in midterm elections, and it appears to be so regardless of electoral strategy on the part of the other party. (2002 is one of the only exceptions, but that was a pretty abnormal time) Not only that, but it's simply not possible for the Democrats to really gain that many more seats than they already have. They currently dominate nearly all of the marginal districts and even some conservative ones.

The real question will be what the Republicans can do with this position they have, by most measures they should be able to make up some ground. A strategy like this will ensure that they make up as little ground as possible though, it's ridiculous on its face, it doesn't play to their strengths, and if its being taken as 'dumbing down' it will be insulting to exactly those they are trying to reach. Bad idea.


Jul 12, 2000
Originally posted by: jpeyton
Originally posted by: Ocguy31
We will see how 2010 and 2012 go for congress. Dems are already getting more negative press than they have in the last 4 years.

The pendulum swingeth.
Wishful thinking. The GOP brand is on life support. They'll get out-worked, out-spent, and out-classed by the Democrat's superior ground game.

Congressional elections are more about local politics anyway. And if anything, polls have shown more Republican districts turning Democrat than vice versa in the past two Congressional elections.

You dont say? You mean when (D)s took congress, they were the ones gaining ground? :Q

It wasnt too long ago that Terry McAuliffe was on the hot seat and people were wondering if the Dems were done as a party. Did you just get into politics?



Jan 6, 2005
Originally posted by: Ocguy31
Originally posted by: jpeyton
Originally posted by: Ocguy31
We will see how 2010 and 2012 go for congress. Dems are already getting more negative press than they have in the last 4 years.
The pendulum swingeth.
Wishful thinking. The GOP brand is on life support. They'll get out-worked, out-spent, and out-classed by the Democrat's superior ground game.
Congressional elections are more about local politics anyway. And if anything, polls have shown more Republican districts turning Democrat than vice versa in the past two Congressional elections.
You dont say? You mean when (D)s took congress, they were the ones gaining ground? :Q
It wasnt too long ago that Terry McAuliffe was on the hot seat and people were wondering if the Dems were done as a party. Did you just get into politics?
Shhh...jpeyton still thinks the Democrats now have a permanent majority.

Nothing wrong with Republicans attempting to engage the urban and/or youth vote. Fiscal conservatism may appeal to the generation who will get the shaft from the Democrats stimulus package.

As for the dumbing down factor, both the Democrats and Republicans have been appealing to the lowest common demoninator to motivate their respective bases for some time.