Basically ... at the end of the day we have no real answer, my baby is gone, it all happened so fast. There was always some shred of hope up until Monday afternoon.
Mogli was my child. My sister convinced my family to chip in for him on my birthday 7 years ago ... it was just me and him ... other family separated by at least 500 miles. He was more important to me than most people (aren't all animals
Sunday, December 16, 2007 is when it started. Mogli was acting a little strange. By Tuesday night, he was definitely sick. Wednesday morning, a blood test revealed his kidney levels were off the charts. He stayed at the local veterinary hospital until Monday the 24th. He came home, though still sick, he had a great next day. We played and snuggled. He definitely enjoyed it.
A follow up test on the 26th revealed that his levels were rising. He stayed overnight and Thursday morning we brought him to UF Veterinary Hospital in Gainesville. Things were looking good, we visited him Saturday and Sunday, his numbers were improving. Monday we recieved bad news that his levels were not going down any more, and that other problems were developing.
The Dr called it Acute Onset of Chronic Kidney Failure. His overall health, and some indicators such as white blood cells seem to point to a more acute cause. The Dr in Gainesville at the end said he thinks it was an infection, possibly of the intestines that somehow got into other areas. We have no real answer.
After 8 out of 10 nights in the hospital, we came to pick him up to bring him home. A transfusion was done to make him feel better, realizing it would be temporary comfort. When the Dr. brought him out. He looked very scared and wasn't sure-footed as usual. His retinas detached, making him blind and scared. He didn't come home with us, couldn't put him through any more.
Just 6 days shy of his 7th birthday. He was supposed to live forever ...