revision control with sneakernet


Diamond Member
Jun 30, 2000
I have a unique situation, at least I think it is probably unique. I need to easily transfer the repository of some sort of revision control system via sneakernet.

Some background:

We have a group of 5 people working on some embeded software. Most of the time, we'll be working on our piece(s) independently on our own, internet connected, pcs. However, to test the software, we have to go to the target. There is a network of computers there, but they are not connected to the internet. We need to be able to test, debug, and change the software at that location. We then need those changes availible after we leave the location. We are guaranteed that no one will try to check in something over the internet while others are at the site or vice-versa.

My thought is to set up two identical cvs/subversion/rcs/something servers, one at the location and one connected to the internet. Then, before we meet, make a copy of the entire repository and move it to the other location, doing the same thing when we are done.

Does anyone have any suggestions for a good way to make this situation work? How about suggestions for the control system that will make it easiest to do this.

The other requirement is that there has to be a windows client, but the server can be windows or *nix based.


Elite Member
Jul 4, 2002
I don't have any experiance with CVS or other revision control methods, but it sounds like you could use something simple like download a copy of the entire CVS tree to your workstation or laptop or something and then when your finished use something like a rsync to upload the changes back to the server.

But something like this may already be built into the capabilitites of the system, but like I said i don't have much experiance at all with revision systems except to download my own copy of cvs repositories via anonymous connections to screw around with compiling and playing around with Free software.

Subversion documentation

They also have IRC channels were you can probably get quick answers from the experts and mailing lists.

Probably can find the same thing with CVS and et al.

If you need help with finding a OS to run it off of, I like Debian. If you can operate around a command line it shouldn't be that difficult to get used to it. Check out my sig and (use testing i suppose. also called Sarge). You can, as long as you use a big nice password, securily administrate it from your Windows desktop with Putty.exe and SSH. advice on building a Unix workstation. If one of your team has a nice internet connection you could run it out of his basement and simply pack the entire server with you (with seperate back up on DVD's or whatnot, in case something happens, of course) when you go on-site.


Diamond Member
Jun 30, 2000
It looks like subversion has a dump and load command that will allow me to move the repository around.

anyone else have any other suggestions?


Senior member
Jan 15, 2004
I think your 2 server solution is the only way to do it.

In fact it's no big deal, you just have to make sure that you synch with the CVS servers before any other team members do each time you switch locations.

The only other option would be for you to run a single CVS server on your own laptop, and all the team members synch up with that, regardless of whether the connection is made over the internet, or over a LAN connection.