results: which states have the best public high schools?

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Oct 2, 2010
And if I take out magnet (ie. specializing in science, etc.) schools:

That's not really fair for Maryland anyway, Montgomery county makes almost all of it's highschools specialize in something. My high school had Engineering, Biomed, and IT.

Other schools in the county specialize in different areas (arts, social sciences, etc). So out of the ~15 high schools in montgomery county only 4 or 5 DONT specialize in a magnet program.


Nov 22, 2008
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Apr 12, 2004
My would-be high school (had I not been expelled in jr. high and homeschooled) is #463 nationally, apparently.


Nov 18, 2005
I grew up and live in central Ohio and the schools here really are quite spectacular. We're moving, but we've had a helluva time deciding where to go because our standards are apparently quite high for schooling. We've always known we had good schools, but we didn't realize how much we had taken for granted until we started looking elsewhere.

Columbus City Schools are garbage (corruption, all kinds of other factors), but the suburbs are outstanding. My wife and I graduated from Dublin City Schools, which were/are excellent. Our kids go to Olentangy Local Schools which, last I checked, were ranked in the top 20 by various metrics across the country. Upper Arlington is also nearby, which is also a typical top 20. My son is gifted, and the opportunities he gets are practically endless. We have virtually zero crime, teachers are amazing, etc. The only downside is you end up very "insulated" here, and I've noticed this whenever I travel to other places. Sometimes it's an adjustment.

But graduation rates in these suburbs are usually 96% - 99%.

That's Toledo in a nutshell. The proper City district isn't exactly stellar. Mostly just terrible - but there are some decent high schools within that district.

The city has two public school systems proper, but actually not really, as the one was I think mostly an annexed part of town, with some give and take I think. It's public but district-limited and a separate tax base, but all within the city proper. I went to that one. Terrific high school (small system), terrific system all around that garners a lot of praise.

Suburb-proper districts are also mostly top notch, I think it varies with the real small ones though.

I've heard of a lot of recognition for Ohio schools, especially some of the Columbus area ones when I was [partially] paying attention while down there at OSU.


Diamond Member
Sep 23, 2006
I'd just like to point out a dozen or so of those schools in Texas are in Dallas ISD. The same district the Mayor of a Dallas has said cost the city of Dallas from getting toyota. Dallas dominates the list of top schools in Texas but is overall a terrible district that also dominates the worst schools list.
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Slew Foot

Sep 22, 2005
Wow, surprising to see CA and TX so close to each other... in you faces TX haters

TX ofcoruse

If you got rid of the 20 million poor illegals in CA that dont speak english, CA would rock. That guy who wanted Silicon Valley to become its own state was awesome, pretty much everyone here kicks ass.