Hey Caitlin, try out the following:
RetailAccess.com for AMD, Symantec, Logitech products.
HPinfolab for rebates in the forms of cheques from HP for buying products of theirs. For instance, I bought a
HP R707 digital camera for $360 CDN from the Best Buy I work at. A month later, I got a $330 CDN cheque back from HP. Net cost for buying a 5 megapixel camera = $30 CDN.
LearnLexmark.com is the same sort of deal, quizzes for points, only you get products themselves as redemption. And not just Lexmark products - a whole variety of stuff.
Intel Retail Edge is the coup de grace of working in retail electronics. This year, it's going to be:
- Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 Processor 550 with HT Technology (3.40 GHz)
- Intel(R) Desktop Board D915PBL
- Microsoft* Windows* XP Professional
For $199 USD. This sort of deal happens annually every October.