Republican rape falsehoods are spreading.


Sep 26, 2000

U.S. judge says victims' bodies can prevent rape

SANTA ANA, California (AP) — A Southern California judge is being publicly admonished for saying a rape victim "didn't put up a fight" during her assault and that if someone doesn't want sexual intercourse, the body "will not permit that to happen."

The California Commission on Judicial Performance voted 10-0 to impose a public admonishment Thursday, saying Superior Court Judge Derek Johnson's comments were inappropriate and a breach of judicial ethics.

"In the commission's view, the judge's remarks reflected outdated, biased and insensitive views about sexual assault victims who do not 'put up a fight.' Such comments cannot help but diminish public confidence and trust in the impartiality of the judiciary," wrote Lawrence J. Simi, the commission's chairman.

Johnson made the comments in the case of a man who threatened to mutilate the face and genitals of his ex-girlfriend with a heated screwdriver, beat her with a metal baton and made other violent threats before committing rape, forced oral copulation, and other crimes.

Though the woman reported the criminal threats the next day, the woman did not report the rape until 17 days later.

Johnson, a former prosecutor in the Orange County district attorney's sex crimes unit, said during the man's 2008 sentencing that he had seen violent cases on that unit in which women's vaginas were "shredded" by rape.

"I'm not a gynecologist, but I can tell you something: If someone doesn't want to have sexual intercourse, the body shuts down. The body will not permit that to happen unless a lot of damage is inflicted, and we heard nothing about that in this case," Johnson said.

I just can't understand why Republican ideas don't appeal to women. I just don't.
Jan 25, 2011
I was talking about the Republican ideas on rape. Don't know and don't care about the judges political affiliation.

I would think it relevant as if he is a Democrat it kind of deflates the entire premise of the thread.


Oct 9, 1999
I don't think the Republicons will have a cold chance in hell getting in the WH for the next couple of generations because the American sure ain't buying the shit they are shoveling and it's going to take at least that long to repair their brand image with all voting blocks they have pissed.


No Lifer
Dec 14, 2000
it's not just the republicans. i remember growing up hearing such bullshit from many people.

in the 80's tehre was a movie where the lady got raped. there was a lot of conversations about rape.


Elite Member
Sep 30, 2003
Republican rape falsehoods are spreading.

You do realize that the judge made those comments back in 2008 well before that one candidate made his this year?

If so, the Repub candidate was spreading the CA judge's rape falsehoods and not the other way around.



Apr 13, 2012
"I'm not a gynecologist, but I can tell you something: If someone doesn't want to have sexual intercourse, the body shuts down. The body will not permit that to happen unless a lot of damage is inflicted, and we heard nothing about that in this case," Johnson said.

I don't know if the judge just did a horrible job of explaining what he thought, but it doesn't even make a basic amount of sense.

How does "the body shut down" and prevent the rape? Is a special protective coating suppose to cover the woman's genitals which the rapist then has to bash through (hence the "a lot of damage is inflicted)? :confused:


Oct 21, 2000
I don't know if the judge just did a horrible job of explaining what he thought, but it doesn't even make a basic amount of sense.

How does "the body shut down" and prevent the rape? Is a special protective coating suppose to cover the woman's genitals which the rapist then has to bash through (hence the "a lot of damage is inflicted)? :confused:

That's exactly what the judge is saying.
Nov 8, 2012
I was talking about the Republican ideas on rape. Don't know and don't care about the judges political affiliation.

Oh yes - because if one republican speaks out of pure stupidity coming out of his mouth - that equals all are guilty by association.

So with that thread about a liberal being racist saying the N word, I guess that means all liberals are racist too? EXCELLENT LOGIC THERE GOOD SIR. PLEASE CONTINUE WITH SUCH INGENIOUS THREAD CONCEPTS DUR DERP DE DERP DUR :rolleyes:


Oct 21, 2000
Oh yes - because if one republican speaks out of pure stupidity coming out of his mouth - that equals all are guilty by association.

So with that thread about a liberal being racist saying the N word, I guess that means all liberals are racist too? EXCELLENT LOGIC THERE GOOD SIR. PLEASE CONTINUE WITH SUCH INGENIOUS THREAD CONCEPTS DUR DERP DE DERP DUR :rolleyes:

If you took all the people that believed what the judge believed and split them by political affiliation, how do you think it'd divide up? Would you say it'd be 50/50?
Nov 8, 2012
If you took all the people that believed what the judge believed and split them by political affiliation, how do you think it'd divide up? Would you say it'd be 50/50?

If you took all the people that have an IQ past 10, and that actually give a shit about this - you would have 0 people.

Except for the people on your level, apparently.

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
No party affiliation was mentioned in the story, I'm betting he's a Democrat.
Maybe Doc Savage Fan is right or wrong about the party affiliation of the given judge, but one thing for sure, that given judge should be impeached by the entire US judiciary. And ridden out of town. on a rail, clothed in new garments consisting of tar and feathers, while being pelted with rotten tomatoes and assorted available garbage.

As for the Doc Savage Fan guess that said Judge is a democrat, but long odds states that it a GOP lunatic fringe idea. But who cares, Getting rid of the lunatic judge is still the collective partisan job #1.
Last edited:


May 27, 2002

U.S. judge says victims' bodies can prevent rape

SANTA ANA, California (AP) — A Southern California judge is being publicly admonished for saying a rape victim "didn't put up a fight" during her assault and that if someone doesn't want sexual intercourse, the body "will not permit that to happen."

The California Commission on Judicial Performance voted 10-0 to impose a public admonishment Thursday, saying Superior Court Judge Derek Johnson's comments were inappropriate and a breach of judicial ethics.

"In the commission's view, the judge's remarks reflected outdated, biased and insensitive views about sexual assault victims who do not 'put up a fight.' Such comments cannot help but diminish public confidence and trust in the impartiality of the judiciary," wrote Lawrence J. Simi, the commission's chairman.

Johnson made the comments in the case of a man who threatened to mutilate the face and genitals of his ex-girlfriend with a heated screwdriver, beat her with a metal baton and made other violent threats before committing rape, forced oral copulation, and other crimes.

Though the woman reported the criminal threats the next day, the woman did not report the rape until 17 days later.

Johnson, a former prosecutor in the Orange County district attorney's sex crimes unit, said during the man's 2008 sentencing that he had seen violent cases on that unit in which women's vaginas were "shredded" by rape.

"I'm not a gynecologist, but I can tell you something: If someone doesn't want to have sexual intercourse, the body shuts down. The body will not permit that to happen unless a lot of damage is inflicted, and we heard nothing about that in this case," Johnson said.

I just can't understand why Republican ideas don't appeal to women. I just don't.

Democratic Judge appointed by a Democratic governor... 404 Republican Ideals not found.


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2007
I love how the idea of the judge being democrat is not an issue, but the whole premise of the thread is "Republican ideas" even though this judge said it before the republican. Fucking hypocrite asshole progressives. So I guess the congressman was actually spreading democrat rape falsehoods. BWAHAHA
Apr 27, 2012
I love how the idea of the judge being democrat is not an issue, but the whole premise of the thread is "Republican ideas" even though this judge said it before the republican. Fucking hypocrite asshole progressives. So I guess the congressman was actually spreading democrat rape falsehoods. BWAHAHA

These guys are really what is screwing up this country, they lie and are some of the biggest hypocrites.