I don't think there ever was any question that there are black conservatives. As far as them being articulate, they are no more articulate than most liberal blacks. The picture casts here of blacks is that we are all on welfare, in jail, or get our jobs through AA. None of which is even remotely true for a very large portion of black America. I am not college educated, but highly knowledgeable in network administration, which I do for a living work in IT.
Both my siblings are college graduates, one with two degrees, both doing well. We came from a mom and dad who neither went to college. But to many here they would think we got where we are today through some program, but we worked as hard as anyone else. We don't all live in the ghetto, but usually the picture is pushed here.
But in that video, their speech and talking points were no different from any other conservative. They just happen to be a black group. But a handful of blacks don't change the "evidence" many have seen in pictures and video of the outright racism involved in the Teaparty. The guy who said watch the video and you'll see how racist Shirley Sherrod is, is a complete lie. He never watched it. In that video she even promoted and encouraged racial harmony. And here is a person who's father was killed by a white person during Jim Crow.
So to see some young guy with his hat flipped to side like he just left some club criticizing a person who has stood the tests through time is embarrassing. The woman who said the NAACP kicked her out because she was interracially married I doubt happened because of that. More than likely her conservative views got her the boot more than anything. There is a stark difference between conservatives and liberals. But both idealogys have good things and bad things about them. I don't find neither one any better or worse, because it is the person who we vote for.
They brought up Robert Byrd. Here is some facts. His KKK background is true. He came up with Strom, Helms, Wallace, and that bunch. But this man asked for forgiveness, and spent over 30 years not with lip service, but supporting practically every single piece of legislation that supported minorities and women. At every chance he disavowed the Klan. He is one of several senators to ever recieved a 100 approval rating from the NAACP. The rest of racists, died racists except for Wallace. He may have started out racist, but he defeinately did more than enough to prove with "evidence" he wasn't one when he left this earth.
John Lewis has been a civil rights stallwart his entire life. His life work and him as man is above reproach and to be criticized and mocked by this group is laughable. I can sum this up in one sentence, if his word can't be given the benefit of the doubt, whose word in the country can than?