The original drive is bad or going bad. Got a new SSD coming. How to reload? No disks came with the computer.
The old HD has bad sectors. The recovery partition might be okay, or maybe not. Many things copied over fine but every once in a while a file will be unreadable.
Had "The User Profile Service failed the logon, User Profile cannot be loaded" twice. Fixed it the first time but now it is pretty clear the HD is going bad.
I've got an OEM W7 pro disk but the laptop came with Home Premium.
Lappy is a 5742z-4685 with a legit copy of W7 HP.
The old HD has bad sectors. The recovery partition might be okay, or maybe not. Many things copied over fine but every once in a while a file will be unreadable.
Had "The User Profile Service failed the logon, User Profile cannot be loaded" twice. Fixed it the first time but now it is pretty clear the HD is going bad.
I've got an OEM W7 pro disk but the laptop came with Home Premium.
Lappy is a 5742z-4685 with a legit copy of W7 HP.