Release the Hounds !


Jul 25, 2002
A Man on a Mission, with a deathwish

I believe that this man is incapable of learning. He just got his 'Gooberment' flat ass
embarassed in a faceoff at center ice, and he tell's the aledged winner to give up their army or esle.

Or else what? Have the French taught Maliki a new improved surrender technique,
or is that some big tough 'CaBoy' talk he picked up from the BushMaster?

So let's assume that Saddie does disband his aledged milita.
Does that in itself set them free to do whatever they want with no command structure?

Great - roving bands of armed to the teeth fundamentalist reactionaries, it's like a macho remake of Girls Gone Wild,
the Dessert Classic . . with fully clothed - and fully armed, hyper testosterone young men.

Viagra with a machine gun.

'Bout the only thing keeping the lid on was Saddie's willingness to go to the matress and let the internal politics fester for a while,
Letting Maliki step on his own dick.

Let's see, if over 1,000 of the Iraqi Army deserted, rather than turn on their own cultcure in that last coming out party,
how many more would flip and expose their true allegance this time.

Sadr has more power than the Iraqi Government under Maliki, bigger, better, improved!,
soon to be with 100% less Maliki - Elections are coming and Maliki thinks that the U.S. Action saving his militant blunder
- which cost us some more troops (again) is a green light to engage again.

Do you really think that our Military Operations didn't know and were taken by suprise when Maliki started his 'Surge' a week or so back?

Maliki is backed by Bush, Cheney, and Muccous McCain - Sadr is backed by pretty much every Arab and Persian faction and government . .
whether on not they will say that to the face of United States Polititians and their Military advisors and 'Ex-Sperts'

He may just be biting off more than he, or our support can chew.
Let's call it 'Visions of Tet, once removed . . '

A War is where you actually fight another military organization that belongs to a real country.
An Invasion is when you overwhelm and take total control of a country that is virtually defenceless -
you know, like Germany (and Russia) did to Poland, and Russia did in recent memory to Afghanistan (We know how swimmingly that went)
A 'Police Action' is like where we've sspent 50+ years in Surburban Korea, an Asian Leisure semi-state.

Smartest thing that our Goveernment has done in the last 40 years was getting out of Vietnam when we did.
The dominos didn't fall, the purge of political corruption left over from the French Colonialization ran it's course,
and the 'They'll follow us over here, and we'll have to deal with them here on our shores'
really did happen - thousands of people from SEA came here.
They're still here and they're taking your jobs. The ones you won't do.
Like the high paying engineering jobs that they painfully studied for in our school system for self betterment - model citizens. Opportunity for all!

They're called 'Immigrants' the people from foreign shores who came to this country to make a better life for themselves . . and a better society for everyone.

. . . except for you Dave, you can't catch a break.