Well, KIM is pretty good. They basically own a bunch of mini-malls throughout hte US and some in Canada, through apartnership.
They currently have a yield of about 7%. They just boosted the dividend by about 4% this year. From 0.52 to 0.54 I think. A 4% increase isn't bad since they had 9 KMarts that are now gone. I expect them to go back to their normal dividend hiking of 10+% annually next year once the KMart space is re-leased.
The beuty is that 10+% historical dividend increase. REATs tend to track with the dividends declared per share. So, if KIM increases their dividend by 10+% annuallly, their stock price should also go up 10+% annually. In a tax freee account over many years this translates into $BIG BLING$
patrickj mentioned some VERY high yileding REITs. I personally like REITs in the 6%-9% range. They tend to be more consisant in growing the earnings/dividend. I would have to research the companies more which I admit I have not done. Most likely, I wouldn't spend time researching either company mentioned by patrickj.
Aceshigh, jeffrey I'll have to look at these companies tonight or atleast later in the day.