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Jun 25, 2007
He dibs something and got offline and came back 4 hours later.

I PM'ed him to tell him not to send payment cuz the items were sold already.

He posted our entire conversation including my PM's with my PayPal address in there.

I closed the thread and disregarded his rude post. Even after I closed the thread (you can see 7:02 PM yesterday), he BUMPED the closed thread.

This guy is harassing me and trying to smear my name over a $15 item.

Can a mod please get rid of this?


Jan 11, 2001
I removed your personal info, let us know if he does it again. PM's are just that, Private messages and should not be posted publicly without the consent of BOTH parties.


Golden Member
Mar 28, 2005
To Gillbot,

First off, I'm here by invitation from the OP via a link to this he has continued to send me PMs insulting me, while all the time accusing me of harrasing him...I guess my guilt is posting the truth. Note that he has never (1) claimed he didn't agree to sell it to me or (2) shown anything to indicate that he had given me a limited time frame to pay, either in PM or in his For Sale thread. If anyone bothers to check my Heat under Reefa_Madness you will see that the common theme in most of the evaluations is how quickly I pay.

Secondly, my apologies for breaking forum rules by posting the contents of a PM or personal information. I was not aware that was a problem since personal email addresses are supposed to be visible for trading purposes, however, it will not occur again. What I was trying to do, however, was warn other traders as to this trader's actions and the proof was in the PMs.

As the PMs show, he confirmed the sale to me, he did not give me any kind of time limit to reply (nor had any in his thread) and he subsequently and arbitrarily chose, within a matter of just 3 hours to sell to someone else. He entered into a contract for sale (yes, he did, even though he claims it wasn't in a formal "contract" document; read up on contract law and you will see that the PMs contained the neccessary elements for a contract for sale...the offer and the acceptance) and he then went and broke it.

This is not about a $15 item, it could have been a $50, a $250 or a $500 sale and it would still have been the same thing. After agreeing to sell it to me, he chose to sell the item to someone else.

The following is a partial quote from the thread containing the trading rules:

Why become the topic of a thread that will damage or destroy your reputation? It doesn't take a genius to figure it out, my fellow traders! You are slowly but surely making a great opportunity like the forums into a shameful mess that will in time run everyone worth his salt away from here, all because of your lack of responsibility. And that's all this really amounts to ... taking responsibilty for your actions, and implementing a plan to maintain honest, ethical trading practices. You are all old enough to know better, so why act like you need a nurse maid to hold your hand to get the job done?

Your word is your bond, your word is your rep, and your actions speak louder than all the words combined. If you cant maintain and keep your word, and if you can't meet your obligations, then you have NO business doing business here. PLEASE do everyone a favor, including yourself, and dont do business where people depend on you to perform your duty to them, and conduct business in a mature and honorable fashion.

End of quote

So I ask, were this trader's actions in line with those quoted paragraphs? Did he keep his word? Was it me, or was it really his actions that soiled his reputation?

Perhaps this trader will be on the receiving end of a similar transaction one day and he'll understand why I got annoyed.


Senior member
Aug 13, 2005
To Gillbot,

Trading rules:
"You are slowly but surely making a great opportunity like the forums into a shameful mess that will in time run everyone worth his salt away from here, all because of your lack of responsibility. And that's all this really amounts to ... "

Perhaps this trader will be on the receiving end of a similar transaction one day and he'll understand why I got annoyed.

I Am not taking sides or passing judgement only agreeing with these words wholeheartedly.
I don't post much here but I have been an avid fan / buyer of the FS forum for a few years now and traded with the best in there. Earned respect and given it back. I also consider myself to be one if not the fastest payers this side of the Mississippi.

Recently I was on the hunt for a Dell Mini with OSX loaded. I agreed to purchase one from a trader here with some good heat but had not traded for a few years. He agreed to take 1/2 payment, ship then receive balance upon receipt. After a few days of logging in to the forums and ignoring pm's asking for tracking# he informed me he had sold it locally and then took a few more days to refund my partial payment.
Another deal with another trader for the same type of item same type of heat. I paid him in full on a Sat nite with with him mentioning his lack of recent heat and would ship first thing Monday morning and send tracking. Asked for tracking Monday nite, ignored my first nice pm then took great offence and my second one Tuseday nite demanding it.
He explaned at this point that he was trying to get a clean install for me and was less than cordial.
If he had contacted me at the agreed time and told me this he wouldn't have pissed me off as he had.
He shipped Tuesday nite. I received the laptop and it was perfect. I sent a pm telling him this and asking if he now wanted to trade Heat like response.

The last thing you want to do is give someone poor heat and I have let a few go by lately when they should have gotten an honest evaluation because they have had no neutrals or no negatives.

Again without taking sides here it's all about agreements, your word and acting like an adult. I pay you within seconds of making an agreement and I expect full attention to our agreement!


Elite Member
Mar 3, 2000
You made you point, no need to drag this out. Hopefully the Mods will have a talk with him.
Add him to your Do Not Trade list and hope others see this thread.

My $.02


Jan 11, 2001
What he did isn't specifically against our rules, but it is heavily frowned upon by many. Your best course of action is to move on and add him to your personal "do not trade with" list.

I see things like this all the time and most of it stems from poor communication. If people would clearly define their trade rules and intentions, most of this wouldn't happen.
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