I need some clarification on the following statement:
"Since OSPF is a classless routing protocol, it will accept routes that are not of classful boundaries. In order for OSPF to accomplish this, you need to append the keyword subnets to the end of the redistribution line. The subnets keyword will allow for classless routes to be redistributed into OSPF. Without the subnets keyword, OSPF will only accept classful routes and will reject classless routes."
Where is the confusion you may ask? According to the first sentence OSPF will accept routes from classless boundaries. Yet in the third sentence keyword subnets is required for classless routes to be distributed into OSPF. With the last sentence reading that only classful routes will be accepted. If OSPF is a classless routing protocol why would it not accept classless routes to begin with?
"Since OSPF is a classless routing protocol, it will accept routes that are not of classful boundaries. In order for OSPF to accomplish this, you need to append the keyword subnets to the end of the redistribution line. The subnets keyword will allow for classless routes to be redistributed into OSPF. Without the subnets keyword, OSPF will only accept classful routes and will reject classless routes."
Where is the confusion you may ask? According to the first sentence OSPF will accept routes from classless boundaries. Yet in the third sentence keyword subnets is required for classless routes to be distributed into OSPF. With the last sentence reading that only classful routes will be accepted. If OSPF is a classless routing protocol why would it not accept classless routes to begin with?