Recommendation for stable duel AMD Linux system


Junior Member
Sep 30, 2000
Having been on the programming and administrative side for a long time, I'm really not up to date on hardware. I need some recommendations for a system and/or components along the following lines:

Dual AMD motherboard --- MP CPU if I have to, Duron if possible (is it true Tyan's boards support dual Durons?)
Onboard video and/or network support would be a plus, but not a requirement.
Must be stable.
Clean power supply for above MB.
Linux compatible.


Golden Member
Jan 5, 2001
This is kinda unconfirmed but here goes... Tyan Thunder K7X and (2)Duron 1.0A. The K7X has onboard nics, video, and scsi and ofcouse 64/66 PCI. If I had the money this would be my option of choice, and also upgrade the cpu later without losing too much when T'bred/Bartons are available.


Apr 15, 2001
My friend's company uses athlon dual boards for their servers and I have 2 dual athlon machines myself. I have found that the Tyan Tiger MP is really nice and my friend's company uses all tyan as well. There have been no stability issues with it to date. Currently there is a new version of the Tiger called the Tiger MPX which I don't know much about. My other computer is an ASUS A7M-266D and that board also works great. Better performance then the Tiger MP. All these machines run windows but I'm sure it would be easy to find out if they are linux compatible. I haven't tried durons but I have tried old Thunderbirds and the new Athlon XP's and they both work great!


Feb 19, 2001
ive really been impressed with the stablility of dual amd systems

all of the boards ive used have been great, but my first choice would be the tyan tiger mpx (no overclocking features, but nice and stable), but the asus a7m266-d also worked perfectly.

if you want some overclocking features you will need to check out the MSI board

as for if the board will work with dual durons, or dual athlonXPs its a matter of when the cpu was made... seems as if some of the newer ones have the MP part disabled by way of the L5 bridge... if the last L5 bridge is connected then the cpu will work in dual mode, but if the last L5 bridge is cut then it wont
here is a link that has more info on using durons and xp's in a dual system